Pics from the Harvest Prep 29 Waterford 15 (Game)

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Re: Pics from the Harvest Prep 29 Waterford 15 (Game)


Met a former college player, who now has ties to Waterford and he informed me, that Waterford had two-two way starters out and then he notice #81 from prep, their big def end/tight end was limping and not moving well. Then I noticed he was not playing offense.

All three players were big parts of their teams game plan.
I believe Waterford was hurt way more by their two injuries, then Prep was.

Taking that into mind I think the Wildcats played very good overall, and I think the staff went it with a solid attack.
When you have loss of two weapons, the game plan as solid as it is, or could be, will still take a hit,with the starters out.

As for Prep. The running back looked very quiet but still had a very, very solid game.
I think people are starting to understand, that they have more than one weapon.

I think also that the Wildcats played defense, for the most part as well as a team can, when facing the speed they did. Most times they took good angles and their defensive line did an excellent job.

Congrats to Prep on another win and to Waterford, Y'all had a very good season and have nothing to hang your heads down about. Congrats and I hope you guys can build on this and get a nice run going.

On a personal note, it was great getting to see Waterford in person, twice this season.
They are another team I can take off of the I wanna see list.

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