2023 post-season interview with two way lineman Keegan Jacks Hebron Lakewood

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2023 post-season interview with two way lineman Keegan Jacks Hebron Lakewood


Name Keegan Jacks

School Lakewood Lancers

Class 2024

Positions Played
Center, Right Guard, Nose, Defensive Tackle, and Defensive End

What was your personal goal for yourself heading into the 2022 season? Did you achieve this goal?
My personal goals last season were to have a stand-out year and improve my ability on the field. I personally felt that I didn’t stand out the way I wanted to but I wouldn’t let that stop me from working hard.

After two days, what was your goal for your team? Did they achieve this goal?
Our goal as a team was to have a winning season because we wanted to create a culture of winning so we could build a winning program. The best way to recruit kids is to win games. We did not accomplish this goal but the overall attitude of the team and the fight in us improved.

What is the hardest part of playing center?
The hardest thing about center was the lack of reps I got both at practice and in games. We had a very young team and a lot of injuries so we were constantly changing our lineup.

In looking back at the 2022 season, what were the highest and lowest moments? Why?
Our highest moment this season was beating Utica because it showed that we can win games and gave us the off-season momentum that we need to improve the program.
Our lowest moment this season and the hardest loss to take in was against Northridge. We were better than that team but mistakes and a lack of confidence in ourselves late in the game ruined our chances of winning.

Which road stadium did you enjoy playing at the most in 2022?
My favorite road stadium to play at was Heath because they are our rivals. It’s always a great atmosphere when you play your rivals.

What did you learn about yourself during the 2022 season that will help you become a better player this season?
I learned this year to trust myself and my abilities more and just have confidence in myself and find my faith through God.

Which loss was the hardest to take in 2022? Why?
Northridge (Johnstown)

What sports do you play for Lakewood?
I play football, wrestle, and I’m going to do shot put this year for Lakewood after I recover from my knee injury.

Which sport is your favorite to play?
My favorite spot would be wrestling and football, I don’t think I could really choose one because I love both sports and I grew up with them both.

Have you heard anything from any colleges about playing football? If so, can you tell us those schools?
I have interest from D2 school and from the University of Toledo which is a school that peaked my interest but I’m still open to other options.

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Re: 2023 post-season interview with two way lineman Keegan Jacks Hebron Lakewood

Post by VetteMan »

Jacks seems to be pretty unselfish, being that he has played five different positions. To me playing offensive center is one of the most unappreciated positions on the team.

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