2023 In-season interview with Angelo Harper Jr. Barberton High School

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2023 In-season interview with Angelo Harper Jr. Barberton High School


Angelo Harper Jr.

Barberton High School



What have been the highs and lows of the 2023 season?

The highs of our season is we always celebrate as a team and make sure to keep each other motivated to finish out the game no matter the outcome. We always got each other's back, we all grew up with or know each other and we just treat each other like family. As for the lows of the season just when we come out flat before the game with no energy from anyone, that’s what leads us to a bad first quarter. Also earlier in the year the leadership wasn’t truly where it was supposed to be, but not later in the season, it’s been people stepping up to being leaders and making sure we are doing right.

As far as goals you had set for yourself for the season can you share them and then let the readers know if you have hit them?

My goal for the season was to make it deep into the playoffs and compete to win a state title. As well as make it up to 1,000 passing yards in the year, become a leader of the team, and be a role model to the underclassmen.

This coming Friday (Week 10) Barberton has a whole lot riding on their game with Cuyahoga Falls (2-7) with a home playoff game on the line are you feeling any added pressure?

No, I feel like if we come out with good energy and play how we have been practicing all week, I feel we can win this game.

Who was the best player you have ever faced on the field along with the team he played for?

Can’t really choose one there are a lot of talented players I’ve faced this season.

WREC or Free Safety which do you enjoy playing more? Explain.

I enjoy playing Wide Receiver a lot more even though there’s nothing wrong with defense, it’s just as a Wide Receiver there are many things to love about like the feeling of going up to get the ball when it’s in the air and hearing as the fans yell after you catch. Routes are like a work of art being able to maneuver away from DBs with certain releases and get separation is just so satisfying to me.

What are your thoughts on 16 teams from each region making the playoffs?

I feel like it’s a good thing they added more teams making the football season longer and more competition to be faced.

Where as a player do you feel the state finals should be held?

I feel the State Finals should be held at The Hall of Fame

Looking back on all of the road games that you have played in which stadium has had the best overall atmosphere along with the things that made it so good?

The best stadium so far in the season is probably Highlands Stadium

What is your strongest attribute on the field?

My strongest attribute is my hands and ability to play the ball when it’s in the air.

What do you believe you need to improve the most to take your game to the next level?

I feel I need to improve in stacking and breaking down a little sooner on routes. Also, speed as well.

Have you heard from any colleges about playing at the next level? Can you name a school or two?

Yeah, I’ve got messages from coaches such as Morehouse, Bluffton, Thiel, Walsh, Ashland

Where is the go-to place in town to grab a good meal?

A go-to place to eat in Barberton is Chipotle.

What is the last book you read along with the author?

The last book I read was The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

What is your favorite class or subject?

My favorite class is Photography

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