Article and Pics:Mechanicsburg 39 Miami East 6

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Article and Pics:Mechanicsburg 39 Miami East 6


Last night I made the 65 minute trip to Mechanicsburg, Ohio to take in the division six ,region 24 playoff game, between undefeated Mechanicsburg(10-0) and (7-3) Miami East. This was my first time seeing Miami East play. I was hoping to see a battle for four quarters, but felt the home team was going to be moving to week twelve.

This one started out strangely, when Kaleb Romero, the Indians quarterback was picked off on the games third play, but a big hit on the Miami East player resulted in a fumble, that the Indians recovered.

After getting a fresh start with the ball Romero was sacked by, Logan West, with 9:34 left in the quarter. West would have his number called several times as this game went on. At 6-6,234 pounds, he definitely has to play on Saturdays next year, if he so desires. Romero, a three time state champion wrestler and a future Ohio State Buckeye, wrestler connected with,Camron ATCHISON for a gain of a little over twenty-yards,with 8:52 showing on the clock. At the 7:58 mark of the quarter,Dustin KNAPP took the ball all the way to the East two-yard-line, with an nice run. From there Romero used the work of his offensive line to easily make this a,6-0 game. After the point after kick by,Alex Rhine, the score was,7-0, with 6:37left on the clock.

Miami East came into this one a little banged up, with its starting quarterback not 100%. He did not make the start in this one, so the offense knew they could ill-afford any mistakes. At the 5:07 mark Justin Brown was wide opened and he looked to have an easy touchdown, with the pass being thrown right to him, but the ball went off of his hands and fell to the ground. Looking back after all was said and done, this play was one Miami East never overcame.

Romero, a very talented running quarterback, used some nice work once again by his offensive line to run all the way to the Miami East three-yard-line. with 1:55 left in the quarter.If not for a nice tackle by,West, Romero would have scored. Just twenty seconds later, Knapp plowed in from, three-yards out.The point after kick was missed, leaving this a,13-0 game.

Facing a third and ten, with 9:19 left in the half, Romero flashed some of his running skills, with a twenty-yard run, to move the chains.
On 2nd and 13 to go, at the 7:21 mark Romero picked up, thirty-eight-yards to again move the chains. The 15-plays,87-yard drive closed on a Romero seven-yard run, with 3:21 left in he half. The point after kick was blocked, leaving the score,19-0 Indians.

Ian Gengler, the Vikings quarterback would be picked off by,Joey MASCADRI with 1:26 left in the half. The ball was thrown almost right to the talented free safety making the pick very easy for him.

Romero would pick up forty-eight-yard, with two more nice runs to set up a thirty-two-yard field goal by,Rhine with :07 left in the half, to make this a,22-0 game.

Knapp would pick up, twenty-one-yards with a nifty run with 7:21 left in the third quarter.
Then with 7:11 left he again to look to have a nice gain, on the far side of the field, but the ball came loose and the refs signal that the Vikings had recovered it. The play happened on the far side of the field, so I did not see who made the recovery and neither did the P.A.guy because he did not announce it. The P.A.guy did a nice job, especially when the home team had the ball and for the most part you could hear him on the away side. I like setting on the home side because you can always hear the call, as you know you always take a risk setting on the away side, because too many stadiums do not seem to think the announcer needs to be heard over there.

Rhine would get the ball back for the Indians, with a interception on a Miami East pass, with 3:57 left in the third. Rhine seemed to be a nice athlete, who played 100 MPH the entire game.

Romero, used his feet, some nice blocking and field vision to pick up thirty-seven-yards, with 2:36 left in the quarter. It looked like the Vikings knew what was coming, but they, more times than not, was not able to stop it. Romero seems to play off of the blocks thrown by his teammates and uses mad field vision to make these long runs look easy. The ten-play,sixty-six-yard drive ended with a Touchdown pass thrown by Romero, from three-yards out. A two-point run by Romero increased the lead to,30-0 with 2>7 seconds left in the quarter.

A bad snap over the punter's head resulted in a safety, to give the Indians a,32-0 lead as the long night continued for the Vikings.

Romero connected with Atchison, for a twenty-nine-yard gain, with 7:40 left in the game. That combo looked like it could be super dangerous, if the need was there.MASCADRI would walk in from three-yards out to make this a 38-0 game. The point after kick was good to increase the Indians lead to,39-0,with 5:33 left.

The gentleman setting next to me had told me the JV team from Miami East was undefeated and had been since biddy league. Well, when they came onto the field for the teams final drive, you did not know if they knew this was a,39-0 game. Because they easily moved the ball twenty-one-yards for their teams first score, with Freshman Kaleb scoring from two-yards out to end the game.

The Vikings had recovered a fumble to set up the score as the Vikings never did stop trying in this one.



Last edited by LICKING COUNTY FAN on Mon Nov 07, 2016 3:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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