2023 Player Spotlight/Interview with Cy Conrad from Dalton High School

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2023 Player Spotlight/Interview with Cy Conrad from Dalton High School


Cy Conrad

Dalton Highschool


Positions played

What were the highs and lows of the 2022 season?
Having a great playoff run but then lost in the regional semi-finals.

What are you looking most forward to this season?
A great season and hopefully a state playoff championship.

What are your thoughts on 16 teams from each region making the playoffs?
It's a great opportunity for the senior class to play as many games as possible.

Where do you think the state finals should be held?
The Hall of Fame Stadium

With this being your final high school season, are you approaching things differently than you have in the past?

Yes, I'm preparing a lot more this year than last year. I'm working on getting more in shape as well as working on footwork.

After the season is over, how important is it to you to get to play in one or two of the state-wide all-star games?
It's not very important to me but if I was selected for this I would be honored.

Who is the one team you most want to beat this season that you have not beaten before?
Definitely Kirtland.

What are the biggest things you need to improve on to take your game to the next level?
Definitely becoming more aggressive and physically dominant. As well as working on balance and coordination.

Have you heard from any college coaches about playing at the next level? If so, can you name a few of the schools?

Do you feel that you and your teammates are role models to the young kids who come and watch you play?
Yes, we have definitely realized that it's our year to lead the team to its full potential.

What is the best part of playing for Dalton?
It feels like the entire town is supporting us every Friday night.

What other hobbies do you have other than sports?
Lifting, fishing, hunting

What is your favorite subject, along with your favorite teacher?
Gym class, Mr. McFarren

What is a food that you like that most others do not?
Chicken liver

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