2023 Player Spotlight/Interview with Jack Lonaker Cooper High School, Ky

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2023 Player Spotlight/Interview with Jack Lonaker Cooper High School, Ky


Name Jack Lonaker

School Cooper High School

Positions played Linebacker, fullback, and tight end

Class 2024

How long have you played football, and what keeps you playing?
I have been playing football since kindergarten, what keeps me playing is my love for the game. There has never been a day where I question why I play or if I should keep playing. It has always been my life.

When the game is on the line, do you prefer to be on offense or defense? Explain.
I prefer to be on defense with the game on the line. I believe I make a bigger impact on defense and nothing is better than a huge stop to win the game.

In watching your HUDL highlights as far as defense goes, you hit like former Ohio State great John Tatum and have a nose for the ball like another former Buckeye great, Marcus Marek. How much of this is natural talent, and how much of this is from film study along with coaching?
Thank you, I have always played linebacker and love to be physical. I feel I have always had a natural inclination to find the ball and make plays. However, coaching and film make a much larger impact. I have been blessed to have great coaches making me better both on the field and also with them helping me understand and break down film. The film aspect makes a huge impact, it allows me to read plays faster and react faster.

Staying with the HUDL highlights theme On offense, you seem to be able to do it all. Lead block, lower your shoulder, and plow through the line. I have done some reading and see that you also have very good hands. Out of all the good things you do on offense, which gets your blood pumping the most?
On offense, nothing makes my blood pump faster than a huge block. Nothing makes me happier than planting someone in the ground and looking up to see our running back score.

Do you feel that you and your teammates are role models for the younger kids who come and watch you play?
I feel that we are role models for the younger generation. I think everyone on our team plays the right way and plays for each other and enjoys the team’s success over personal success. Not a lot of people but into that now but we have been building a great culture to show the younger kids how you should play.

If you could change one rule when it comes to high school football, what would it be and why?
If I could change one rule it would be crack back blocks. I was in middle school when the rule was changed but I feel like it made the game lose a little physicality.

Who is the best player you have faced, along with the team he played for, and what made him so tough?
The best player I have played against has to be Alex Castruci from Conner. He was doing it all for them when we played both times in my sophomore year. Offensively and defensively he was everywhere.

Which win and which loss will you most remember from the 2022 season?
The win I will remember the most was against Dixie. It was a grueling game with their hurry-up offense and many of our guys were going down with cramps but we powered through it and got the win. The loss I will remember the most was against Cov Cath. We had a close game the year before and this one and we were close but couldn’t seal the deal which is the worst feeling in a loss.

Who has the best team you have ever faced, and what made them so good?
The best team I have ever played against was Scott County last year. They ran a wing T to perfection and our team played hard but we couldn’t stop it. They were very well-disciplined and had the best offensive line I have played against.

Have you heard from any colleges about playing at the next level? If yes can you name a few of the schools?
I have been offered by Thomas Moore, Mount St. Joe, and Baldwin Wallace. I have also been talking to Dayton, Kentucky Wesleyan, and Lindsey Wilson.

If you could schedule one opponent for Cooper, who would it be and why?
The one opponent I would schedule this year would have to be Cov Cath. The two close losses still sting and I would love another opportunity to put the pieces together and come home with a win.

How important is spring ball as far as preparing the team for the upcoming season?
I think spring ball is extremely important not only for team chemistry but to install things for the younger kids so they have a good understanding of everything going into the summer.
Have you heard from any colleges about playing at the next level? If yes can you name a few of the schools?

What is your favorite TV show?
My favorite T.V. Show is breaking bad.

What toppings go on your favorite pizza?
I love a Hawaiian pizza with pineapple, bacon, and ham.

What is the one sport you wish you could play but do not have the talent for?
The sport I wish I had the talent for is golf, every time I play I leave very frustrated.

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Re: 2023 Player Spotlight/Interview with Jack Lonaker Cooper High School, Ky

Post by VetteMan »

Comparing Jack to former Ohio State great Jack Tatum is a very good compliment. Jack Tatum at defensive back for the Buckeyes, I really believe would strike fear into a lot of the opponents that the Buckeyes were playing. Marcus Marek was a very good linebacker as well for the Scarlet and Gray. Jack seems more than happy to just let his playing speak for itself. He also is very happy to give plenty credit to his coaches, plus how important it is for he himself to watch plenty of film, and how huge of an impact that the film really is. Good interview.

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