Chris Christie slams NRA

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Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by NYBuckeye96 » ... daughters/
GOP’s Chris Christie sides with Obama again, slams ‘reprehensible’ NRA attack ad featuring president’s daughters

Terrence Dopp and Elise Young, Bloomberg News | Jan 18, 2013 10:15 AM ET

Chris Christie, the New Jersey Republican Governor dubbed “The Boss” by Time magazine, has taken aim at the National Rifle Association for a video featuring President Barack Obama’s children, who have armed guards.

“Are the president’s kids more important than yours?” a narrator asks in the 35-second clip posted on the NRA’s website Jan. 15. It calls Obama a hypocrite because his two daughters have security officers while he was skeptical of the value of armed guards in the nation’s schools as he pitched gun controls.

“To try and make a political point out of that is reprehensible,” Christie, 50, said yesterday at a news briefing in Trenton, where he announced a task force to study violence. “I think it’s awful to bring public figures’ children into the political debate — they don’t deserve to be there.”

Time, which featured Christie on the cover of its Jan. 21 issue, said “he’s not afraid of picking fights with Republicans or making allies of Democrats.” The story said the governor has a “full-bore political style.”

Christie also sided with the Democratic president when Obama came to New Jersey to tour storm damage in October. Christie’s praise of the president six days before the election was sharply criticized by some GOP members, who accused Christie of helping to tip a close election to Obama.

Christie said children of public figures should be off-limits to political attacks.

The governor said his own sons and daughters receive state police protection and that public officials’ family members must accept such security details. The governor, who has a wife and four children, said the NRA should stick to the policy debate over regulating firearms.

“For any of us who are public figures, you see that kind of ad and you just cringe because this was not appropriate,” Christie sais. “They’ve got real issues to debate on this topic. Get to the real issues. Don’t be dragging people’s children into this. It’s just wrong.”

NRA representatives didn’t respond to reporters seeking comment on Christie’s remarks.

The first-term governor, who is seeking re-election in November, said that he formed a state task force on violence control that will study New Jersey’s firearms laws as well as the roles played by drugs, mental health and school safety. The panel will give him a report in 60 days, Christie said. Emotion and “empty rhetoric” shouldn’t guide the gun debate, he said.

“Bad people will do bad things no matter how hard we try to stop it,” said Christie, a former federal prosecutor. “This is not a time to grandstand and it’s not a time for politics.”

Christie had said as both a U.S. attorney and a candidate for governor that he supported New Jersey’s assault-weapons ban. Since the Dec. 14 slaying of 20 children and six adults at a Newtown, Connecticut, elementary school, he has said he would be willing to discuss stricter gun controls as part of a more comprehensive package that deals with mental health, substance abuse and violence in video games.

“It’s not good for us to have a conversation about just one thing,” Christie said in response to a question yesterday at a town-hall meeting in Manahawkin. “We need to talk about what we can do as a society. If it’s just about gun control, then I’m not going to be a part of it.”

Obama announced proposals aimed at reducing gun violence Jan. 16, including universal background checks for firearms buyers and a sales ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines, such as those used in the Newtown slayings and the July 20 shootings at an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater that left 12 dead and 58 wounded.

New York was the first state to act on growing calls for tighter limits on weapons since Newtown. Lawmakers this week passed Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo’s bill to toughen gun controls and make it easier to keep firearms from the mentally ill.

In New Jersey, Democrats who control the legislature have introduced measures that would ban firearm magazines that hold more than five rounds of ammunition and require anyone applying for a handgun permit to pass a mental-health screening.

Christie said he is being more deliberative in his approach than Cuomo. The governor wouldn’t say whether he backed tougher federal limits or New York’s clampdown on ammunition capacity.

The governor said he wasn’t worried about pressure from the NRA, or from such gun-control advocates as former U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords of Arizona or the group formed by James Brady, the Reagan administration press secretary wounded in an assassination attempt.

Christie said he was resisting hurrying the violence panel’s work, and that only “simpletons” believe that addressing the issue is an easy task.

The governor said he’s against putting armed guards at schools, while he could be persuaded if the panel says that the tactic may improve safety. He said he also has concerns about requiring therapists to report patients they think are dangerous — an element of the new law in New York.

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by dazed&confused »

Oh 96, didn't you get the memo? He's no longer a REAL Republican. Not since he praised Obama for helping Sandy victims. Besides, he is from the Northeast. It isn't a part of the real United States. No sir, he's just a RINO now!

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by ManitouDan »

much more and he wont even quailfy for rino status .. he better enjoy NJ , his national prospects are shrinking

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Parties are like families they all have that 1 or 2 in them that embaress us. For example after reading the crap spouted by abuck and nybucks Im ashamed that they are Democrats like me. They give us smart dems a bad name.

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by dazed&confused »

tigercannon71 wrote:Parties are like families they all have that 1 or 2 in them that embaress us. For example after reading the crap spouted by abuck and nybucks Im ashamed that they are Democrats like me. They give us smart dems a bad name.
I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. There is no offical party registry in Ohio. I've voted in both party's primaries depending on the year and the issues. Open primaries.

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by mister b »

I agree with Christie's entire thought process on this issue.

There are enough nutjobs and whackos on both sides of the political sphere that these high ranking public figures deserve to have armed guards for their families. Especially if they are paying for a private education for their children.

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by abuck76 »

Actually dazed, you are considered whatever party you voted in the primary until the next primary.......I do the same thing as you, depending on who the candidates are.......A buddy of mine was going through our county records and noticed I voted in The Rep. primary, and wondered if I had lost my mind... :lol: :lol: :lol: .I said nah, just the weird open primary system in Ohio........And on Chris Christie, if the GOP were smart, and that is a BIG if, they would pick Christie as he is a moderate and that is who is going to get elected...........OOOO, a Hillary Christie battle!!......Yea baby.............Can you say President Clinton, AGAIN!!!!......YEA!!!............. :12224

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by mister b »

Right now, I think Christie could beat out most Democratic candidates. He appears to be the lone voice of reason; what many moderate voters are looking for, in the GOP.

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by ManitouDan »

guys ,,the conservatives are not going to throw away our beliefs to " go along just to get along" I'm not debating where that might lead .. it MIGHT ... but if hard core conservatives , like myself , leave the R party because they become " DEMOCRAT LIGHT " they will NEVER EVER win any natl ' election , at least in the next few cycles . Its a dilema . both the more moderate R's and the tea party type R's need one another . Split up it leads to goofy quack liberals taking over .. MD

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by ManitouDan »

FWIW I'll NEVER consider voting for a moderate just to win an election . not gonna happen , and my guess is 60-70 of the R party agree with me . We nominated a moderate last time , where did that get us ?

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by abuck76 »

No you nominated an idiot last time.......That is what we have been trying to get you cons to understand....The GOP is falling apart right before your eyes..........Chris Christie is your best hope.......... :12224

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by ManitouDan »

yeah ... moderate .. idiot ... same difference .. you are correct .

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by Paladin »

Actually, the Rs nominated two Moderates the last TWO times ( McCain & Romney). Neither could get traction because they went Far Right and turned off Moderates and Independents. They even went to Far Right whackos VP candidates ( Palin & Ryan). That didn't work either. Be my guest, continue to pursue a Far Right wing agenda.......... even put a true Right winger as Prez candidATE ON THE TICKET. Please do ! The policies are hated by the majority of the country and seen for what they are --- right wing nutjob proposals no one sees as being the answer while hurting most of the country. Recognize what the cpountry now see as the Far Right wing -- misfits and malcontents. You expect the country to allow you to rule ? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Pass the popcorn ! 8)

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Remember how their was record turnout for young voters in November?

Remember how their were political ads targeting young voters that went something like.........."You don't have time to vote? You don't have time to give your friends equal rights for marriage? You don't have time to make sure your friends have a right to choose what they do with their bodies? etc. etc. etc." That ad was the main ad that specifically targeted the 40 and under crowd and that crowd turned out in record numbers.

So you honestly think if Romney had been "more conservative" he would have won more young voters?

That line of thinking is dying off.

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by ManitouDan »

I'll stand for what I believe whether you turds like it or not .. we will see .

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by dazed&confused »

Different voices make for a good choir and a good nation. The secret is to sing on key and in harmony.

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by kantuckyII »

I will not sing in harmony with the devil, the liberal and the liar. We sing from a different hymnal and I don't care for their's

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by kantuckyII »

And by the way, better you guys hoist him up on your shoulders as your trophy boy, that is big boy to be holding up LOL

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by abuck76 »

He is no trophy boy..a snide remark from you........He is our President......Disagree with him , agree with him, he is still our President.........I did not like George W Bush, but he had come into my classroom, I would have wanted to be the first to shake his hand....Now if he asked me if I agreed with his policies, I would say, No Sir, I do not.........I was taught by my parents if I could not respect the man, to respect the position.......You must not have had that upbringing...... :12224

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Re: Chris Christie slams NRA

Post by kantuckyII »

I'm talking about Christie, you idiot

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