Switching teams in mid-season

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Switching teams in mid-season

Post by Flatlander1 »

Is it possible for a player to switch to another team after the season begins? Could it be possible to do if the team the young man was on ends up having to cancel the season do to lack of players, and if so is there a point in the season in which one can no longer transfer?

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Re: Switching teams in mid-season

Post by 4thgoal »

I got this from http://ohsaa.org/eligibility/4-7-2Guidance_Exc3.pdf. I would check with both ADs and they may have to make a call to the OHSAA to get a ruling. What school discontinued their program?

School Closes, Annexation or Consolidation - which was revised for the 2013-2014 school year by combining old exceptions three and four. This exception now reads as follows:
If the high school, which is either the high school in a single high school public school district or a non-public high school, in which the student is enrolled closes or discontinues its high school program after grade nine, the student may enroll in any school and be immediately eligible insofar as transfer is concerned. Likewise, if the bona fide residence of the student’s parents is annexed to a different school district or consolidated within a school district, the student may be ruled eligible upon transfer to a school in the annexed or consolidated district subject to modification by formal action by the Boards of Education concerned. A copy of such action by Boards of Education must be on file in the Association office before the Commissioner’s office can rule the
student eligible.

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Re: Switching teams in mid-season

Post by Flatlander1 »

Thanks for the info 4th n Goal; However, I will not go there as for what school may drop the program. It is a hypothetical question. I was just wondering, if due to unforseen reasons such as injuries and or acedemic ineligibility that a team has to end the season, for a lack of players, can a student transfer in mid-season? Looks like from what I read in the OHSAA rule they would have to miss 50% of the remaining games.

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Re: Switching teams in mid-season

Post by bengalfan76 »

Once you play in a game I don't believe you can transfer and be eligible to play that season. Unless the move is greater that 60 miles and forces a physical move into the district. Unless the rule changed in Sept.

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