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Post by logangirl »

If anyone in the league is playing Zanesville, hope your field is excellent condition or they won't play you!!

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Post by bluedevilpride »

That field in Logan was unplayable if you are looking for what is in the best interest of the players involved. Coming from a former player and coach who has seen injury after injury end a players season because the game was forced to be played on less then acceptable playing surfaces.

Standing water in front of 3rd base, 2nd base, Left Field, Right-Center field.
Not so much as a rake was used to help the surface in the infield and mud which created a oil like swamp behind the 3rd base bag and in front of the 2nd base hole were also considerable issues.

Oh yeah and did we mention only 1 umpire at the game.

On a side note the game was offered at 10 am to be played on our field which was dry and in great shape but we were told the field was "a little rough but playable". What a joke!!!

Believe me the Blue Devils were not ducking anyone and welcome all those who want to play but are not going to do that at the risk of unnecessary injury to our players.

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Post by logangirl »

By no means would I want to see any players hurt, ours or yours, but to be truthful, that field was not in the condition that you say it was, they did work on the field, I personally happen to drive by and saw the school maintence working with shovels and rakes trying to prepare the field. And I'm not sure where you saw standing water, bc I did not.

And we could argue all day about the field that your coach did not see it fit, and that is fine, but you know with this great Ohio weather, you don't get too many chances to play ball before school is out, and if you have a decent chance to play on what turned out to be a great day to have a scrimmage anyway, without any hurt players. Our coach would not have put our kids out there if he thought it was THAT bad.

What's done is done, we will meet up 3 times this year, so we will play the game sometime, it's all good!!

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Post by dave »

That field was a mess! Hats off to the Zanesville coach by not playing.

I would also make them fix the 2 foot drop off on the 3rd baseline before I let my kids play there.

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Post by maninthemiddle »

Logangirl - Obviously you haven't seen too many good ballfields. I think i can speak from experience because i have built ball fields. Logan field has to be one of the worst i have seen, and i have seen some bad ones. That field is a mess on a dry day. I don't know if it has ever seen a drag, rake, or even diamond dry placed on it. The blowing ripped windscreen on the outfield fence justs adds to the ambience. I know you said a maintenance crew was working on the field, but that doesn't mean they know what they are doing. You can do more harm than good to a field if you don't know. A couple of years ago when i went to watch a game there, during the pregame meeting with the coasches and umpire, the coach at that time for logan, made the comment that if the ball was hit in the swamp behind third base that it was playable. Are you serious? SO don't come on here bashing Zanesville for not wanting to play on it. I applaud Zanesville's coach for not. Believe me Zanesville is not ducking any team including Logan.

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Post by Zanes-Vegas »

logangirl ...

I have been to your field -- twice last year, and we finished up one JV game in a driving rainstorm. I couldn't stand in the 1B coach's box because there was 3 inches of water in it (kind of what happens when the bottom is concrete). I have to agree with many others here: even on it's BEST days it's a pretty bad facility. That huge dropoff around the infield is insane (about killed myself getting out of the way of a foul pop). I would also ask -- if you drove by, you couldn't have been close enough to the field to truly tell what condition it was in. No way.

It is a SHAME for the kids who play for Logan that they are still playing there. They deserve much better. Somebody down there needs to get off their duff and get those on-campus diamonds built -- as was promised the kids.

And I will also say this about Coach Balo -- he will play in a swamp in the snow as long as he feels his players are not at risk. Ask some of our players about some of our preseason practices. Cold, drizzly, windy -- you name it.

Better yet, why not ask some of your JV players about the condition of our field when they came to Zanesville on Monday. I think they will (or at least should) tell you that it was in tremendous shape for the month of March. And it's not because OUR school district throws a lot of time and money toward it -- it's because we have volunteers who help take care of it, and Coach Balo has put in countless hours working that field by himself to turn it into a really nice -- and OMG, safe! -- place to play.

One of our parents was said to have taken photos of the field Monday. If I can get my hands on some, I will post them.

Bottom line -- I can't imagine how bad that must have been for Coach Balo to eat the cost of the bus and the cost of the post-game meals. Our boosters work hard to raise money for that stuff, and it certainly was not an easy decision for him to make.

Just because Loganites might be willing to subject their kids to that kind of stuff doesn't mean we are contracturally obligated to do the same.

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Post by bluedevilpride »

I was there on Monday but for fear of dropping my cell phone in the water in the infield I didn't take a picture. All I know is wearing dress pants and dress shoes my feet and pants were soaked from stepping inside the infield for less than 20 seconds.
The "dirt" in the infield had 2 or 3 very sizable patches where had a ball been hit there it would have been ruled a dead ball. IF the ground is wet enough to stop a baseball traveling at 60+ mph what do you think it would have done to a metal cleat traveling at 15 mph. I have seen a dislocated ankle and broken legs and blown knees first hand and that quagmire was a recipe for all of the above.
Bottom line the field was UNPLAYABLE unless you are playing pony league coach pitch baseball where the speed of the game is much less noticable, and even that would have been questionable. We could have had the coaches pitch and let the solo umpire call the game from behind the mound and maybe all gone for ice cream after, but that is NOT high school baseball.
If you think it was disappointing as a fan then imagine having to make the call to not play knowing your kids have been working their tails off for that moment and were told not today. The kids from both teams deserve a lot more than a diamond fit for billy goats and maybe that should be the focus of this post instead of 1 coaches decision to not subject his team to those conditions.

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Post by maninthemiddle »

Zanesvegas, Blue devil pride, WELL SAID, my boys WELL SAID!

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Post by Zanes-Vegas »

Again, I feel just as bad for the Logan baseball program as I do for our kids going down there and not playing.

I recall the JV coaches telling us last year that the field was supposed to be started and ready for this year, but it was delayed. Understanding the construction process, I know that sometimes those things happen. Heck, once our field was put back in a few years ago, it took our coach and an army of volunteers to even get it playable, much less than the condition it's in right now.

I certainly hope the new field is ready sometime soon. For a school that takes such great pride in its athletics as Logan does, it's an absolute shame they're still using that field as their own.

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Post by ibleedpurple »

I was at the Logan/Zanesville JV game on Monday and I can attest that, regardless the month, that field was in spectacular condition. Not spectacular, immaculate!

As for Logan's field, it has been years since that field was in any condition to be called a worthwhile playing facility in the SEOAL. It is very disappointing to see a baseball program fall off the rafters as it has in the last 7 or 8 years. I am not here to place blame or point fingers, but there is something to be said when the same pool of athletes for the better part of the last decade can win 7 League titles and advance to the playoffs 5 times in football but cannot squander a winning season in baseball. While I do understand the differences in sports, I am attesting to the talent pool and the level of athletes that Logan offers year in and year out.

The field conditions at Logan only complicate the issue, if not exacerbate the situation. If this is what a supposed powerhouse in the SEOAL expects to be competitive calls a baseball diamond, I wonder whats next? Making the tennis team play in the parking lot?

As for the Zanesville coach, I was not there, so I am not going to attest to anything that was said or done, but anyone who has visited Logan in the last 12 years knows what type of playing surface to expect. When the phone call at 10am says the field is muddy, wouldnt you expect water? Doesnt mud come from mixing water and sand/dirt?
However, I do applaud him for looking out for the best interest of his athletes and not taking a chance with thier health. That is what coaches are supposed to do and are expected to do. But let's leave the vulgarities and mud slinging (pun intended) out of it. We are supposed to support sportsmanship, so lets demonstrate some.

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Post by logangirl »

I am going to have to agree with the last post on here, the only reason I posted what I did was because I was upset that we didn't play, but mostly because Zanesville had a guy in the crowd who being a real jerk about what was going on, and I let him get under my skin when I shouldn't have. I have always taught my boys to have good sportsmanship, and to post what I did, I let him down , so I want to send my sincerest apologies to the Zanesvill fans and the Team!! I know if the team had a chance to play the would have, I'm sure they were just as dissapointed!

As for our field, yes it is and has been in bad shape for years, but it's all we have for now since baseball fall s last on the list for sports here, sad as it may be. My son has played high school and legion ball here, we've seen alot better and alot worse, and maybe that's why we didn't think it was that bad that day, bc we have also played on it when it has been worse, doesn't make it any better but like I said it's all we have. Should we give up all our home games, definitely not, that would be a huge disadvantage for our kids, should they put more into the field if the new one isn't going to be ready, yes. I do think if we have played on it for this many years, I think we can for 1 more.

Again, I am sorry for the post!! Best of luckto both teams!!

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Post by maninthemiddle »

Logangirl- Nice posts. Everyone understands defending their home turf. We at Zanesville understand what it is like to have baseball at the botttom of the list in sports at the High School. Until Coach Balo came baseball was barely known. Zanesville's old baseball field was removed about 5 years ago so they could use some of the dirt for the new Jr. High School. Let's just say the field was replaced by the construction company but it was just that a field and not a baseball field. But with the help of Coach Balo spending countless hours at the field and a group of never stop Boosters the field was where it is today. We still have some things we want to do. ALso a large portion of the money to get the field in shape was raised by the boosters and not from the school. Now Zanesville has become a program that a lot of people want to be involved with, as i am sure there are people that want to be involved with Logan. You have a good layout with the existing field, it just is going to take a group of parents and volunteers to say let's make this a place that everyone can admire. We have boosters at Zaneville that had sons that played baseball, or family members, that have moved on past there high school days but still volunteer time, donate materials, money etc. That is where it all starts and i bet there is that same type of group in Logan. Very classy move in apologizing Logangirl We wish you luck the rest of the year from z-ville. See ya at the diamond

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Post by ZvilleBlueDevil »

What other improvements are coming in the future such as restrooms,bleachers etc......any Ville fan

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Post by Zanes-Vegas »

There is some long-term thought toward the installation of a permanent concession stand along with restrooms, pressbox, etc., but that's probably going to have to follow completion of the new high school first. I think that once the HS is done, there is some slope work that has to be done between it and the field, and that may yield something a little more permanent in the way of bleachers.

That and the fact they are just now running water lines and power to the dugouts, which has left a bit of a muddy mess between the two diamonds.

Like I said, still a work in progress as it's only our third season on it, and almost all the work has been done by the boosters and especially the head coach.

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