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Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:18 pm
by iknow
You left off the two best Libero's in the league just to include players from teams that couldn't compete. Also, three all league players from a team that couldn't beat the big three or have any signature wins? I wouldn't pick based on who these girls play for come club season. I agree with Overly as POY!

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:06 pm
by Xtoxxviii
The X will not participate in selecting an all league team.
Too many good ones to choose from, too many good ones left standing.
In reality if one was going to select a team to go and play, the majority of the players selected would come from Unioto, Adena, and Westfall. Honestly in my head I can only think of two girls from outside of those three schools that could crack the roster. And they will stay unnamed, but they are chosen based on what The X likes in a volleyball player, not what the stat sheet says. (Both are listed on Von Hagens team)
Nor will I select a POY or COY, too many good ones left standing after selections are made.

But I will select the X play of the year in the SVC:
Unioto's Anna Karr Solo block of the leagues most powerful hitter Amanda Curry.
It came at a close point in the 1st set of the match at Westfall, Westfall had control of the ball and the set was perfect for a monster kill. It was just one of those plays that could've went either way. The block went the way of the U and so did the momentum for the rest of the 1st set and the entire second set. Like a good team does Westfall battled back in sets 3&4 but eventually the Sherman's came out on top on their way to the Conference title and Von Hagens mythical SVC Iron Throne:

Didn't Ron Von predict Karr as an SVC "X-Factor" before the season started?

There may just be something to this Ron Von Nostradamus thing......

Results from the 8th grade volleyball tournament held in Frenchtowne tonight.
In the consolation game Unioto over Huntington in two
25-15, 25-15
Unioto was down two starters because of injury.

Adena wins championship in 2 over Southeastern
26-24, 25-21
Southeastern only has 6 players.
I look for possibly 5 players from this match to be playing at the varsity level next year, with a couple more that could but they are only 7th graders.

It's tournament time,
Time to focus on what really matters
The W

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:19 pm
by Xtoxxviii
The SVC 0-1 in tournament action
New Boston over Paint Valley
25-13, 25-19, 25-18

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:20 pm
by RonVonHagen
iknow wrote:You left off the two best Libero's in the league just to include players from teams that couldn't compete. Also, three all league players from a team that couldn't beat the big three or have any signature wins? I wouldn't pick based on who these girls play for come club season. I agree with Overly as POY!
True... It's more of a prediction of how I think it will come out. Adena and Unioto should each have 5 kids on the list but I know that won't be happening because the coaches will only put up so many players for consideration. I'm in the prediction business not the actual picking business hence the Nostradamus moniker, btw have I mentioned that we will be having brutal winter???

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:20 pm
by warningtrackpower
While we wait on the official list later this week, I have posted my annual's All-SVC volleyball team...20:30-34:12 is discussion on the formation of the teams including Jenna Hutton's injury situation, then the teams are released from 34:12-59:15...

Here is the link - just click, hit play arrow, and FF to your favorite part ... talk101314

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:55 am
by BudLytle
iknow wrote:You left off the two best Libero's in the league just to include players from teams that couldn't compete. Also, three all league players from a team that couldn't beat the big three or have any signature wins? I wouldn't pick based on who these girls play for come club season. I agree with Overly as POY!
Sorry, but i will have to respectfully disagree about the libro's. I think the best libero in the league is on the list. The other 2 are deserving of being the list without a doubt, but deserving to be on the list does not mean they are the best liberos in the league. Also, there is not a team in this league that Chaffin, Lytle, Gragg, Magill, Dresbach and Goeble doesn't help be a MUCH BETTER team! Again sorry, just my humble opinion.

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 6:48 pm
by iknow
Past performance should not be in play when picking these teams. That is the last I will say about the Libero position. As far as the listed players making any team in the league MUCH BETTER, that is quite a statement. I would have hoped that they would have made THEIR OWN TEAM much better. JMHO.

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 6:54 pm
by iknow
Ron, are you suggesting that the coaches for the top three teams do not put up all deserving players in an effort to make sure they get 2-3 on the all-league team. If true, the coaches are doing a great dis-service to those kids. Great players should not be penalized for being on great teams! But we are in "Obama World" where we need to take from the rich to give to the poor.

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:01 pm
by iknow
SVCSPORTSZONE.COM...struggling with the statement that fans from "the big three" should not judge players from the other teams solely on their play against your team. Isn't that what players should be judged against...the best? Maybe I didn't understand your angle. I was a great practice player in high school when facing the reserves, but when it came to games, I just couldn't get it done! :122245 Thanks for the coverage of our great league.

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:03 pm
by BudLytle
And my last statement about liberos in this league will be this... statistically Lytle is still leading the league, from what games I saw of her, she still made plays NO OTHER LIBERO COULD MAKE, and she still served with the top players in the league! As for your other statements, this is an all league team, which is suppose to represent the best PLAYERS in our league... not ensuring that the top 3 in our league get adequate representation. Last check, volleyball is a team sport and there is no argument who the best teams were, but does that make each of their players, regardless of role, better than any other player on any other team that wasn't in the top three?

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:33 pm
by iknow
Better players make better teams. I can see one elite player on a bad team, but when you and others tell me Huntington has 3 elite players, it makes me wonder why they cant beat the top three. Maybe they don't have 3 elite players? As far as stats go, there are a few posts here that explain the stat phenomenon.

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:05 pm
by BudLytle
The only posts I see regarding any mention of stats are the posts you made and a response by warningtrackpower... What few posts are you referring to? With that, I will totally agree that better players make better teams, but the reverse is also VERY TRUE, as I am sure you are well aware, meaning that a few great players on a team sure does take some pressure (i.e. blocks, responsibilities/assignments, etc.) from some other players making it a little easier on them. The top 3 teams are very deep in talent, no doubt, and I do believe you could have cut 1 from Huntington and 1 from Southeastern and given more spots to the top teams, but I also believe the argument could be made that RVH's list does have the best players in our league represented! That is the only argument I am making and this will be my final post on this topic!

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:48 am
by Xtoxxviii
"its about the game"
"It's all about the Bass"
C'mon man don't you listen to the radio or pre game warm-ups?

Congratulations to all who made the all league list,
A lot of good players got left standing that deserved more,
Keep your heads up, your not the first nor will you be the last.
It's the same every year that's why I've grown
Not to put much stock in such selections.
You could say it's a political thing, and to a large extent it is
But it is also a numbers thing along with a faulty system that does not
Get all the players their just do's

As for the SVCsportszone
You guys know I think your the best
With Huntington again being extremely well represented on yours and the SVC all league team.
"Is it about time" to start holding that group under the same subjective microscope you have held
This years Unioto group under?
Over the past few years they always have as many first teamers as the league leaders
yet they have been a mid pack SVC team.
According to the SVCsportszone and SVC coaches
Shouldn't their league record start representing the talent they have?

Back to the real world of SVC volleyball.........
Piketon beat Peebles in 3
25-20, 25-16, 25-14
Peebles McFarland is very good

The SVC is now 1-1 in the tournament.

No Treble

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 8:38 pm
by boo33vb
This might sting a little so hold on. This is just my opinion as a former coach who sat in these meetings and fought for kids from my team and for others teams. Each league is different in number of selections and possibly the manner in selection. The SVC should revamp the volleyball all-league selection. Look at this with an open mind. You have 8 teams. Six players on the floor = 48 players. The SVC gives an award to 32 players as either all-league or honorable mention. That leaves 16 players with no award. Jeez why not just make a near-honorable mention to include the other 16. Revamp and have a 1st team with 6 and a libero, a 2nd team with 6 and a libero and 6 honorable mention players for a total of 20 awards. The current system waters down the whole thing. The top two or three teams deserve to have the most on the list because they EARNED it. If i have a kid who only plays 3 rotations ( example a middle hitter who comes out in back row ) i should not put her up on the board as my first selection even if she dominated the net. That kid who played all-around and contributed from all skill sets deserves the recognition as your 1st pick. A team that finishes last and has no wins probably has nobody that should be on the list. Just my humble opinion. The awards don't mean much in the long run anyway. I think all kids would rather go to districts or regionals or state in place of an award. Much better memory.

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:33 pm
by Xtoxxviii
Very wise words Boo and the X agrees .
The X is Anxiously Waiting for your next SVC History Lesson.

The SVC moves to 2-2 in tournament action.
The U over Jackson in 3

Athens over ZT in 4
25-11, 25-27, 25-13' 25-4
Would like to hear a report on that game.
Seems the scores were all over the place.
Did Trace get hot the second set or was it a let down on Athens part?
What happened in the 4th set, only 4pts for Trace?

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:16 pm
by warningtrackpower
Want to thank everybody for incredible feedback – really interesting SVC volleyball discussion. The show becomes really fun to do when we get this type of opinion from multiple people.


You make a fair point about wanting to see the best players play the best against the best competition, but I think sometimes volleyball is a sport where an elite hitter is unable to show their full ability if their team is unable to pass and set in system against an elite team. In listening back to the show, you were correct about my angle. I should have given more of an example and I will do that on the next show. We had two emails in our website inbox asking a similar question about the ZT, SE, and Huntington selections, so again your critic of the show was very fair.

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:18 pm
by warningtrackpower

Really interesting thought on Huntington – really has had me thinking today. I am not sure the situations are exactly the same but certainly worthy of discussion on the show. Not sure any Huntington group has had the depth of talent of this Unioto team – especially within one grade. Huntington’s elite players have been spread out one at a time over several consecutive grades (Kellough, Ingram, Lytle, Gragg, Magill). Certainly fair to wonder why depth and chemistry continue to be issues for Huntington’s program. I also think the all-league selections have been somewhat skewed because the way the SVC separates its defensive award with Lytle being the top defensive player during the last four years.

Again, enjoying the discussion…a few more points showing up in the inbox that I would love to get an opinion…

*Getting mixed opinions on how to handle an elite injured player like Jenna Hutton
*Does the SVC need to honor more people (15 of 40 starters = .375 honored in basketball)…(21 of 56 starters = .375 if volleyball wanted to honor three teams of seven). I guess it depends on how you look at honorable mention as well (how much value you put in this list).
*Is a solid all-around player more valuable than an elite player who only plays three rotations?
*Finally, is the league undervaluing passers and setters?

If anyone is interested in calling the show to leave question/comment – number is 740-569-3254. Just leave us a message - THANKS

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 6:35 am
by boo33vb
X well the history lesson will not play out as i was holding my cards till the last minute so i did not give the " U " a peek or motivation. The seeding was exactly the same for Chilli and Unioto as in 2008 as CHS was a 5 seed and traveled to Athens only to beat them in 3 on their floor. The U was the 1 seed and waiting for the Cavs at the meat locker on a crisp October Saturday afternoon. The U was loaded with talent and height with all-everything Kaitlyn Jinks leading the way and Kristen Vranicar and a super sophmore in Maddie Davis pounding their way to an 18 win season with 2 know losses to 550 rival Adena. The U had beaten the Cavs earlier in the season but we took a set from them to open some eyes. Up to this day CHS had lost to Unioto seven straight times. Playing with a chip on their shoulder and a determination to change things, the Cavs beat the Shermans in 3 on their floor 25-21, 25-12, 28-26 to shock most of SE Ohio and set the tone for the future.The Cavs were led by Hannah Day and Britny Strawser with Hayley Pittenger playing one of her best games ever that day. I was hoping for a repeat of this for Saturday but Waverly had other plans. Best of luck to the "U " as since my Cavs are out you are my team to root for so skin some tigers and i will looking for you come District finals vs probably Athens.

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:22 am
by Xtoxxviii
*Getting mixed opinions on how to handle an elite injured player like Jenna Hutton
I feel like I need to be careful when addressing individual players on a forum like this. While most know who I am there is a degree of anonymity to a forum such as this which makes it easy for individuals to make claims they never would in actual face to face conversations. And thus when posting on this matter could lead us down the road that we really don't need to go when discussing high school athletes.
Back to your question: I feel Jenna was playing at 1st string if not P.O.Y. Caliber at the time of her injury. I really, as most I have talked to, would not have argued her as a 1st team selection. But by doing that who do you take off the 1st string and thus my preface to this answer comes into play.
Also "The body of work over a career" can come into play when honoring a player in a situation like this.
Sadly for Jenna she elected not to play her sophomore season which has a negative impact on her total "body of work over a career".
I don't think a choice made by a 15/16 year old should be held against them a year or two later but when looking at a "body of work over a career" to give honors it must be taken into consideration.
Again I consider Jenna one of the best this league has to offer, injured or not.

*Does the SVC need to honor more people (15 of 40 starters = .375 honored in basketball)…(21 of 56 starters = .375 if volleyball wanted to honor three teams of seven). I guess it depends on how you look at honorable mention as well (how much value you put in this list).
In a nut shell yes the SVC needs to do more.
My question is this, did the SVC change their All-League selection method when the game changed to Rally Scoring? Obviously the libero has been added but was any other changes made? My point is the game has changed and for the better and maybe the selection of All-league needs a change as well to keep up with the times.

*Is a solid all-around player more valuable than an elite player who only plays three rotations?
Yes, but The X is biased on the matter.

*Finally, is the league undervaluing passers and setters?
Almost everybody undervalues passers and setters, except college coaches recruiting.

Boo thanks for the history lesson, one I will share with this years Shermans.
It's proof that come tournament time everybody's backs against the wall so you better bring your A-game our you will be home saying "What If".
Thanks for the support do you need any Unioto Spirit wear for the weekend?

Re: SVC 2014 : Game of Thrones Edition

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 3:23 pm
by Xtoxxviii
boo33vb wrote:X, I will however challenge the greatest season ever in the SVC as i am somewhat of a history buff and if you check the archives and seek out the 1999 season it will show a three way tie for first place between these same three programs. The " U " had POY i think in Nici Workman and a great setter in Bethany Dix and Pam Doughty was coach. Westfall was led by Tara Wright, Susan Nowak and a speedy back row player in Meliah Thornton and coached by then Lori Merriman. Adena under Coach Smith had a talent laden squad too with Jessica Mayer and Sarah Wayland. I went to several games and all were very intense.......
Boo your speak of the 1999 Tri champions tweaked the X's curiosity.
Of course when Von Hagen hears "1999" he immediately thinks of Prince and the Revolution plus the Y2K crash that never happened, sorry the X digresses.....
Boo the records I have show Westfall, Unioto and Adena finishing with records of 10-2.
Is this a misprint or was only 12 league games played that season?
If so what circumstances lead up to the league being short 2 games that year?
I don't recall an SVC team setting out a season in fact the only major sport SVC team I recall not fielding a team was Southeastern in football back in the early 90's.

Boo do you....
Think 15 years from now SVC volleyball enthusiast will look back on this year the way we look at 1999 now?

Good conversation/debate, this league and the players/coaches who make it that way deserve none the less. The X knows for sure I will be checking between each commercial break on the 11 o'clock news Monday night to see if this weeks svcsportszone pod cast has been posted yet.