Trump Offers Five Million

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Trump Offers Five Million

Post by kantuckyII »

Trump offers Obama $5 million for his college, passport records
By Alicia M. Cohn - 10/24/12 12:12 PM ET

After playing up a election-shaking announcement for several days, businessman Donald Trump on Wednesday offered President Obama $5 million to release his college and passport records.

"All he has to do for $5 million to the charity or charities of his choice is get his colleges to immediately give his applications and records and also to release his passport records," Trump said in the announcement. "When he does this to my satisfaction, if it's complete, this check will be sent immediately."

In a video posted to his YouTube channel and distributed through social media, Trump spoke directly to the camera, criticizing the president for a lack of transparency.

Trump added that the records must be released before the election, setting the deadline as Oct. 31 at 5 p.m. Trump had framed Wednesday's announcement as a possible "October surprise" that deserved extensive media coverage and could change the trajectory of the election season

Although Trump publicized his announcement Monday morning on Fox News, he announced his offer online. Trump prompted plenty of conversation online Wednesday, accumulating thousands of Twitter followers. His name was trending on Twitter all morning.

"If Barack Obama opens up and gives his colleges records and applications, and if he gives his passport applications and records, I will give to the charity of his choice — inner city children in Chicago, American Cancer Society, AIDS research, anything he wants — a check immediately for $5 million," he said. "The check will be given within one hour after he releases all of the records so stated. He will be doing a great service for the country if he does this."

Obama aides mocked the announcement by tying Trump to Mitt Romney. Trump, who toyed with the idea of a presidential run of his own, has endorsed the GOP nominee.

Asked about Trump's offer, White House senior adviser David Plouffe told reporters their questions should be directed to Romney's campaign headquarters.

"Direct your questions to Boston; he's Romney's biggest supporter," Plouffe said, according to reports.

"The company you keep speaks volumes," tweeted Lis Smith, the Obama campaign's director of rapid response.

Teddy Goff, digital director for Obama's campaign, retweeted an old tweet from Tagg Romney that said it was "so cool" to meet Trump and his wife, Melania.

— Updated at 1:46 p.m.

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by noreply66 »

I will give a crackhead $3.00 if Trump release that squirrel sitting on his head.

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by dazed&confused »

Why can't Romney release his tax returns for the last twenty years if they want to play this game? Tiresome. This is just a frustrated Trump trying to be relevant since he can't possibly become President. The worst thing is he is blowing a dog whistle that only the exterme right can hear. Radical right wingers have a hard time comprehending that they are not the mainstream of society. They know better than the rest of us. How condescending!

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

I'm still waiting on the tax returns from the tax-cheat, Mitt Romney. Maybe he could fly down to the Cayman Islands and bring them back for us?

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by kantuckyII »

Look, the money is on the table for some worthwhile charity, Obama just has to release what Romney already has. What's the big deal? School records and passport, five million to some worthy charity

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by dazed&confused »

kantuckyII wrote:Look, the money is on the table for some worthwhile charity, Obama just has to release what Romney already has. What's the big deal? School records and passport, five million to some worthy charity
OK, put the same challenge to Romney about his taxes. First one to comply wins the contest. This is beneath the US citizenry.

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by kantuckyII »

Romney DID release extra income tax records already after the call went out. Everything was in order. It's not a crime in America to be wealthy, even stinky so. I want a man who's successful to be our president. Obama too is wealthy and how or where did that come from???!!!! From talking about himself lol. Seriously, look it up!

Anyway, no big deal, Trump just seeks transparency

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

kantucky, please provide us with a link to these tax forms that have been released. You can't. Romney is a tax cheat.

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by dazed&confused »

kantuckyII wrote:Romney DID release extra income tax records already after the call went out. Everything was in order. It's not a crime in America to be wealthy, even stinky so. I want a man who's successful to be our president. Obama too is wealthy and how or where did that come from???!!!! From talking about himself lol. Seriously, look it up!

Anyway, no big deal, Trump just seeks transparency
Romney released two income tax records. He paid 14% in taxes on capital gains. I paid over 30% on my hard earned income which is considerably LESS than what Romney earned. He made his money the old-fashioned way, like the Robber Barons (google it). He buys up profitable companies and discards the rights of their workers, then sells the carcasses for a profit.

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by kantuckyII »

He'd paid taxes on that before and are you saying he committed a crime? He gave like 4 million to charity which gave him a lot if reduction as well

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by dazed&confused »

kantuckyII wrote:He'd paid taxes on that before and are you saying he committed a crime? He gave like 4 million to charity which gave him a lot if reduction as well
Not saying he committed a crime but I don't like HOW he made his money and that weighs heavily on how I cast my vote, just like millions of other WAGE earners, I suspect. At any rate, he won't release his taxes. What's he hiding. :aaaaa46 On the other hand, I'm VERY comfortable with the fact Obama is a citizen and did pass his college classes legitamately.

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by dazed&confused »

People who live in glass houses.......

Romney’s birth certificate evokes his father’s controversy
By Mark Hosenball
Tue May 29, 2012

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Finally, there is definitive proof: The presidential candidate was born in the United States, and his father was not.

Yes, Republican Mitt Romney appears eligible to be president, according to a copy of Romney’s birth certificate released to Reuters by his campaign. Willard Mitt Romney, the certificate says, was born in Detroit on March 12, 1947.

His mother, Lenore, was born in Utah and his father, former Michigan governor and one-time Republican presidential candidate George Romney, was born in Mexico. So on a day when real estate and media mogul Donald Trump was trying to help Mitt Romney by stirring up a new round of questions about whether Democratic President Barack Obama was born in the United States, Romney’s own birth record became a reminder that in the 1968 presidential campaign, his father had faced his own "birther" controversy…

Records in a George Romney archive at the University of Michigan describe how questions about his eligibility to be president surfaced almost as soon as he began his short-lived campaign.

In many ways, they appear to echo today’s complaints that Trump and some other conservative "birthers" have made about Obama while questioning whether Obama – whose father was from Kenya and mother was from Kansas – was born in Hawaii.

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by dazed&confused »

Care to know why George Romney was born in Mexico? Also, question to KII- Is a Mormon a true Christian?

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by fightingtigers45 »

Stephen Colbert made an offer to Donald Trump last night. I suggest you look that up.

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by dazed&confused »

fightingtigers45 wrote:Stephen Colbert made an offer to Donald Trump last night. I suggest you look that up.
:aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24
Do we get to watch!!!!!

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by abuck76 »

What do you think it would prove tuck, to release those documents about Obama?....that is right nothing.........Building strawmen is all the republicans can do now, as they are and have been beat on issues.......sheesh tuck, read a new book........ :12224

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

"In other news, Donald Trump has offered $10,000 to anyone who can reveal what medical school Dr. Dre attended."

Why doesn't this idiot just go away?

I mean Trump, not Tuck, though that would be nice too. :mrgreen:

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by abuck76 »

Nah burg, we need tuck to show other people what not to do or think.......... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ................ :12224

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by kantuckyII »

Look ladies, the money is in the charity. A simple thing. Why get your granny panties in a wad?

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Re: Trump Offers Five Million

Post by kantuckyII »

I'm fairly certain Obama will turn these out and some hurting people will get a lot if money to help them out. Why is everyone (not here, all his rowdy friends) getting so tore up about?!

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