Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

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Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by kantuckyII »

At an Air Force-estimated cost of $181,757 per flight HOUR (not to mention the additional travel costs of Marine One, Secret Service, logistics and local police overtime), that's a lot of frequent flier dollars going into Obama's carbon footprint. durin...g the last year, Obama made 65 domestic trips over 104 days, and six trips to eight countries over 22 days. Not counting six vacation trips over 32 days. He took 196 helicopter trips, signed 203 pieces of legislation and squeezed in 29 rounds of left-handed golf. Vacationer-in-Chief Spends $1.75 Million to Visit Hawaiian Chums Obama has spent over $100 million taxpayer dollars flying around in Air Force One, and an estimated $100 million more on his entourage. Can anyone even afford a Plane ticket anymore?? Wonder if he gets groped bye the TSA :0) So LAME

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by Boonedawg »

Isn't it time we had the first muslim af-1 pilot.....we could only hope.

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by KVDW »

FIDO wrote:............and the taxpayers are about to send his snooty wife back to Africa on a Safari......
and she is taking her kids and their cousins PLUS she is taking HER MOTHER on this safari too. !!!

the average Joe can't even afford to buy gas for his car to go to work these days and they are blowing millions of OUR money on this kind of crap. did we unknowingly elect these people to some kind of office? :evil:

what a joke that bunch is.......

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by Chieftain »

But, of course, those former WHITE R Prezs didn't cost a dime when they traveled, did they ? Just "happened" to include political junkets too. Right Wing denial. Love it !

I like it -- play the race card and the hypocrisy card -- standard R operating proceedure.

Joke is on you. Watch the public polls.

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by JHS4EVER »

The R's save the $ and the D's spend it all plus more on stupid BS. I say leave her and and all her family over there for good. This kind of foolishness has to stop.

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by JHS4EVER »

Well spoken Gahs4ever. It is always the R's that create all the problems.

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by caglewis »

Our President's name is OBAMA - he gave the order to find and kill Osama bin Laden [which Bushie Baby failed to accomplish]!! You racist bigots make me ill! You supposed Christians spouting this garbage are identical to the Westboro guy and the Quaran-burning guy both claiming to have perfect access to God's message and are doing His work. You and your ilk are the primary reason I no longer attend a church or pray to this supposedly all-powerfully God of yours - you know - the ONE who sends huge destructive storms that would have been prevented if everyone just "prayed" about it? Bush -riding in Air Force One, returning to Washington from a weeks-long vacation in Texas- ordered it to fly low over the Katrina devastated area so he could see it - not send any help or get actually on the ground - just see it from far above and promise to "pray about it" Who paid for that vacation time or flight?
You can all point to chapter and verse in your Bible and in the Constitution that say women have no rights and people of color were ordained to be slaves; but doesn't it also say feed the hungry, clothe the naked? But that's just democratic leftist "welfare" stuff, right? Only people who look, believe, and pray exactly like you meet the standard! I promise you - I don't!!!

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by caglewis »

And R Ohio Gov John Kasich is proudly right there playing golf, too, as well as R Rep John Boehner. Who paid for their trips? And don't their names have some connection to prostitution - you feel free to ridicule our President's name. Did he choose it anymore than they chose to be called a "john"?
I get that you're an all-powerful moderator - so just kick me off here.

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by JHS4EVER »

Clinton did not inhale...........................Right??????????????????? But Monica confessed, she did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by KVDW »

caglewis wrote:Our President's name is OBAMA - You racist bigots make me ill!
YOUR president's name is OBAMA..... AND the only two times race has been brought up here was by you and Palidin.

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by KVDW »

caglewis wrote: And don't their names have some connection to prostitution - you feel free to ridicule our President's name. Did he choose it anymore than they chose to be called a "john"?

How about JOHN F. Kennedy

and Lynden B. JOHNSON

and don't forget ol' WOODY Wilson. :mrgreen: :lol:

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by KVDW »

caglewis wrote:- you feel free to ridicule our President's name. Did he choose it anymore than they chose to be called a "john"?
since he is way ahead of the curve and the masses on everything else worldly, i'd say that Paladin chose Obama's name.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by KVDW »

caglewis wrote:You racist bigots make me ill!

just wondering..... if i confessed to being a strong racist bigot would you get ill enough to croak? ...... just wondering mind you. :mrgreen: :lol:

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

This thread is exactly why Political and Religeous threads should not be allowed on here. They do nothing but cause arguments and dissention amongst the members. I knew it was bad idea when it was first mentioned and it's only going to get worse. I guess I'm done with this forum and this site until football starts. Have fun calling each other names all summer.

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:This thread is exactly why Political and Religeous threads should not be allowed on here. They do nothing but cause arguments and dissention amongst the members. I knew it was bad idea when it was first mentioned and it's only going to get worse. I guess I'm done with this forum and this site until football starts. Have fun calling each other names all summer.
very nice sense adding anything to your post, pretty well sums it up..........too many political and religious experts on here for me.........

must be a reason the owner of this site doesnt start a separate forum so all these folks can express their opinions on 2 very controversial areas such as politics and religion is beyond me but to let a moderator decide to let it go and see if people can get along is baffling when he should know it aint gonna happen..........

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by Malcontent »

I agree TTT and BG77. Too many posters with tunnel vision. This is absolutely no place for politics and religion. My father, who is no longer with us, always told me never to argue religion and politics. Dad this thread proves you right, Happy Father Days Dad, miss you very much!

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

gahs4ever wrote:
but to let a moderator decide to let it go and see if people can get along is baffling
No moderator decided to "let it go." That was an admin decision, and the problem (as I see it) isnt political persuasion. Rather it is when the discussion leaves the subject entirely and degrades into personal attacks and name calling.

Anyone who thinks THAT only happens on political or religious threads hasnt read the football forum beginning in mid summer and continuing on. There are enough personal attacks on some of those threads to choke a goat. Should we remove the football forum as well?
somehow I knew you would have the right answer.........why are personal attacks allowed.......and who determines what a personal attack is.......let's dont kid each other, I think we both know where we are coming from, the only difference being, one of us is afraid to call it like it is...........we have lost a lot of good posters on here who are fed up with it as well,, I dont care.........I am not leaving, I need something to read in the morning with my coffee..........

now should we remove the football forum, I dont think so.........we dont have this controversy on it like we do on the chat forum.......

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Posts and threads on the football forum that get that far out of hand are either removed or locked, but yet on here it is allowed to continue on and on. So if these are getting out of hand then why not lock them or remove them. It should never be allowed to happen because we all know that one certain poster will continue his barrage of hate threads against our President and then of course somehow work scripture into the post. It doesn't belong here and it will only get worse.

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by KVDW »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:This thread is exactly why Political and Religeous threads should not be allowed on here. They do nothing but cause arguments and dissention amongst the members. I knew it was bad idea when it was first mentioned and it's only going to get worse. I guess I'm done with this forum and this site until football starts. Have fun calling each other names all summer.
Arguments are what politics are all about. :) if we both think the same way, one of us is unnecessary. :mrgreen:

the only people that ever complain are the ones that never participate anyway so why do you even read these threads in the first place if you know they are gonna upset you that much?
you apparently despise KYll but yet you read his every thread.... then complain about them.... what's with that?

i don't think i have ever read a post on here about soccer because i have no interest in soccer. i guess i should start reading them and then complain and ask "why the hell are they even allowed on here"? MY solution? i just don't read the stupid stuff.

btw... there are only TWO people on this thread that have resorted to name calling and they are both on the same side of the fence..... and it has ALWAYS been that way and you very well know that if you are honest.
maybe if you pointed out those two posters and ragged on them in particular rather than taking the shotgun approach and condemning the posters that are just arguing political policies and procedures you may be able to get the trouble makers booted...... worth a try. :mrgreen:

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Re: Anyone Wanta Party?! Fly Air Force Number One!

Post by kantuckyII »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:Posts and threads on the football forum that get that far out of hand are either removed or locked, but yet on here it is allowed to continue on and on. So if these are getting out of hand then why not lock them or remove them. It should never be allowed to happen because we all know that one certain poster will continue his barrage of hate threads against our President and then of course somehow work scripture into the post. It doesn't belong here and it will only get worse.
You and a SMALL handful of other left wingers are about the only one's who get out of hand. After the remarks I saw you made on another forum a few days ago about another right leaning person who comes on here, I'd shut the website down before I'd allow you back on again, plain and simple.

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