How to fix illegal immigration

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How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Westsider1993 »

I am tired of this debate. We are the problem not the Mexicans. Do you think I am crazy? Read on..They say build a fence, I say they will go through it, waste of money. Build a wall, they will go over and under it, waste of money. Line the border with troops with strict no shoot polices , waste of money and man power. Ask yourself why is the problem so bad right now? Our economy sucks so why are they coming by the thousands? There are jobs for them....Why are there jobs with a so called crappy economy? Because the jobs they are coming for are the jobs our young Americans won't do. Could you imagine our kids going to work on a farm? Pick fruit? Do landscaping? No way. If they can't have the best jobs that pay $30 plus an hour and is air conditioned and clean they aren't doing it. Get their hands dirty? A blister? No way Jose' We have become lazy as a nation. I said as a nation, not everyone has a cush job, but think about how we raise our kids. It's PS3, texting, and facebook. Until we get back to our roots and teach our masses that you need to start somewhere and that hard work pays off, the masses will continue to come from the south!

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by The Flying Dutchman »

Hire those big dudes who stand outside major night clubs letting people in. Noone gets past those guys plus they look like mean sob's :lol:

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by philbilly »

You are absolutely right, Westsider1993. There's always a hard job out there for someone who's willing to work. I use to live in Arizona, and this Hispanic man who lived in my neighborhood use to come around every year and trim my palm tree with a machette for ten dollars. I always saw him around town doing this day after day. Every morning on this corner that I walked by on my way to work there were usually forty or so Hispanic men waiting for farmers to show up in there trucks who were looking for workers to work the fields. One of them told me that the farmers paid them ten to twelve dollars an hour to work for them. I never once saw a white or black man waiting on that corner.

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Great post. Someone has to do those jobs that no one else will do.

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Westsider1993 »

Our Government is in shambles because the people feel they should not have to work for anything. I have two things for ya. Welfare and foreign Aid. I don't understand either. Why are so many on welfare? Why do we give billions to other countries that don't give us anything in return? If you answer those two questions and can actually fix them, you my sir or mam will be the next President. I want to know if you guys really enjoy giving away all your money in taxes? Not just income taxes for us that work, but every single item you ever buy. illegals on welfare? How about that one! Yes it happens. Get on Ohio's site and read for yourself. It says WE WON'T ASK IF YOU ARE HERE LEGALLY or not. What is up with that? Obama phones... Yes free cellphones for those on welfare. Man somebody stop me here!!!! I can scream all day about these issues. I am sick of it!!!! Time to do something about it.

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Time to do something about it
Then run for office and make changes.

Spouting off on a sports web site will get you nowhere.

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Orange and Brown »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:
Time to do something about it
Then run for office and make changes.

Spouting off on a sports web site will get you nowhere.
I don't call stating an opinion on SEOPS spouting off.......

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by footballfanatic1 »

i though thats how you got to be
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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Westsider1993 »

I posted in the chat section. I didn't post in the sports section. I happen to be a member of this site and like sports and talking about things other than sports sometimes. I just like to hear other opinions. You can give 1 good or bad...

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Chieftain »

Quick reply....................... I never cease to be amazed at the stupidity here. To make a general statement about people taking on hard jobs flies in the face of known established FACTS. The country lost 9 MILLION JOBS. In addition, the menial jobs you refer to are nowhere near that number that has been created or are available. What limited jobs that are described by the clueless are often unknown except for the local farm migrants in California & Arizona. One fact that has already come out............. the USA is now LOSING Hispanic populations that are returning to Mexico because even THEY CAN'T FIND THOSE TOUGH JOB that "no one wants". Govt also reports that money ( dollars) that used to be mailed to families back in Mexico is now dropping with fewer dollars being earned as Mexico also reports a lag in dollars flowing in their economy. What I see and read are the typical Right Wing Conservative drivel that passes for "truth" , when in fact its a continuing propaganda.

When economic stats factor in under employed with unemployed and add in those who no longer show on the rolls because they lost their unemployment, total unemployment now stands at approximately 20% . Thats the worst since the Great Depression. Of course , we all know that the conservatives have all these "hard , tough jobs" that no one wants & they are all filled with foreign workers. You should start another FantasyLand. Business would be good for suckers who would fall for that crap.

The facts are there are NO JOBS, hard, tough or otherwise available for the masses. In this Metro area, job "fairs" have ceased to be held because employers had nothing to offer ( and there used to be landscaping, farming jobs available, in very limited numbers here).

Try another line of bull pucky. That dog won't hunt.

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Westsider1993 »

And I would say you voted for the great Messiah Mohamad Osama Obama? Enjoy spending all your "change" The fact of the matter is our young generation is lazy, and illegals wouldn't come here if thy didn't have a job. Get your facts from Arizona not what your great prophet tells you.

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Chieftain »

Spoken like a true conservative........... untrue, uninformed and ill advised.

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Runner »

Paladin...just as we have seen in all of your posts over the years, why is that just because someone disagrees with you, they are.....untrue, uninformed and ill advised?

I say just shoot anyone that tries to invade this country. That is exactly what the Mexicans are doing when they cross our borders.......Boonie you can bring the weapons...I can get the ammo :lol:

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by philbilly »

Hate to break the news to you Paladin II, but anyone who would vote for either of these special interest group serving political parties is uninformed and ill advised. When they're behind closed doors together, they probably laugh at how stupid all of us Americans are as they drink their beers.

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Orange and Brown »

Paladin_II wrote:Spoken like a true conservative........... untrue, uninformed and ill advised.
Yea cause everything that comes out of your mouth is spoken from God himself!!

You could never be wrong, Uniformed or ill advised.....................

Why aren't you running our country if you know so much more than the rest of us?

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Chieftain »

This thread was tainted from the very begining. There are few of the "menial" jobs discussed here that have any openings. They are staffed. What little turn-over that occurs comes nowhere near the numbers needed to ease the unemployment problem of the masses. Most of the job losses were in manufacturing ( where people did indeed get dirty) and in many white collar jobs, especially in management, computer jobs & customer service positions. In fact, many of the menial jobs aren't even part time. They are seasonal. As in "growing season". Now I suppose if the unemployed people of SEO moved out to the West and lived homeless , they might shag one of these menial jobs when a growing season concludes ( whenever that is). Do any of you do any homework before you open your mouth ?

Many folks who "speak" of the "illegals" speak with racist tongue as many of the menial jobs are not held by illegals, but U.S. citizens of Hispanic descent. Of course, if they aren't white, its easy to "count" THEM as illegals. Much of California, Arizona and the West have a large number of Hispanic U.S. citizens WORKING those and other jobs. Are there illegals there ? No doubt. But it makes better political hay to expound upon a smaller problem than the one that was created. The real villian ? U.S. BUSINESSES who have offshored $ 1.8 Trillion in PROFITS and have sent good paying jobs that formerly went to white ( for the most part) Middle class citizens overseas now to pay slave wages in developing countries. While you are suckered into complaining about "illegals", the real crooks have done you in with their greedy quest for maximum profit and workers who are paid a pittance.

How many "illegals" are hogging all the jobs in SEO ?

Thats how stupid this thread looks.

Orange and Brown
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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Orange and Brown »

If anyone wants to work then they can work! If you can't find 1 job to pay your bills and feed your family then get 2 jobs!

I'm sick of hearing about menial jobs! I will flip burgers at McDonalds if that is what I have to do to earn money for my family. Everyone wants a JOB, but no one wants to WORK, I have to B.A.
s and a masters. If I need the money I'll work wherever I have to period!

BTW!! The menail jobs that a lot of these imigrants are doing are helping put food on our tables, among many other things!

Your darn right this country is getting lazy!

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Chieftain »

Congrats !

700,000 jobs.

Now for the next 8,300,000....................................................

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Orange and Brown wrote:
Burg_Grad_77 wrote:
Time to do something about it
Then run for office and make changes.

Spouting off on a sports web site will get you nowhere.
I don't call stating an opinion on SEOPS spouting off.......
My point is, whether he is "spouting off" or just "stating his opinion" (which really isn't all that different) just what good does it do to put it on here. We all know the country is in trouble. Instead of complaining, go do something about it.

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Space Cowboy »

Paladin_II wrote:This thread was tainted from the very begining. There are few of the "menial" jobs discussed here that have any openings. They are staffed. What little turn-over that occurs comes nowhere near the numbers needed to ease the unemployment problem of the masses. Most of the job losses were in manufacturing ( where people did indeed get dirty) and in many white collar jobs, especially in management, computer jobs & customer service positions. In fact, many of the menial jobs aren't even part time. They are seasonal. As in "growing season". Now I suppose if the unemployed people of SEO moved out to the West and lived homeless , they might shag one of these menial jobs when a growing season concludes ( whenever that is). Do any of you do any homework before you open your mouth ?

Many folks who "speak" of the "illegals" speak with racist tongue as many of the menial jobs are not held by illegals, but U.S. citizens of Hispanic descent. Of course, if they aren't white, its easy to "count" THEM as illegals. Much of California, Arizona and the West have a large number of Hispanic U.S. citizens WORKING those and other jobs. Are there illegals there ? No doubt. But it makes better political hay to expound upon a smaller problem than the one that was created. The real villian ? U.S. BUSINESSES who have offshored $ 1.8 Trillion in PROFITS and have sent good paying jobs that formerly went to white ( for the most part) Middle class citizens overseas now to pay slave wages in developing countries. While you are suckered into complaining about "illegals", the real crooks have done you in with their greedy quest for maximum profit and workers who are paid a pittance.

How many "illegals" are hogging all the jobs in SEO ?
Thats how stupid this thread looks.
IMO, I agree with alot of what you have posted in your replys. The most of those jobs are gone...and our youth, for the most part, are too lazy and spoiled to take those jobs. But you should take the time to go up on some time. You might be suprised how often there are inmate holders for I.C.E. Plus, take a trip to Athens and see who gets the high dollar college grants from our government. Just might make you a tad bit conservative yourself. As far as those politicians that "call themselves" conservative, I agree with you that the most are ill informed and its political drivel......but it sure beats that European style of socialism you spout. Wake up! Your side is just as guilty of all this crap.

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