Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13

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Re: Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13


it says its on the riverbank, but i was by the ironton high school today, and there were a bunch of basketball standards up, are they having it there this year. or is that some kind of summer program for youth.

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Re: Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

You're Tiger Bait wrote:it says its on the riverbank, but i was by the ironton high school today, and there were a bunch of basketball standards up, are they having it there this year. or is that some kind of summer program for youth.

summer program..............Macker is downtown...........Caglewis, take your umbrella just in case of precipitation.............

rumor has it there will be a couple of prepsters keeping score on the Top Women's court........just a rumor........ :) :)

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Re: Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13

Post by Manwithplan »

My son is playing in the tourney. The name of his team is the Goon squad.

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Leo Byrd
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Re: Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13

Post by Leo Byrd »

I will be in attendance if it doesn't rain.

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Re: Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13

Post by caglewis »

I was there all morning, but I confess, I bailed about 1:00 when it began raining harder. It poured briefly [15-20 min] as I was driving the 1-mile home and just after I arrived. Then it slackened back to barely a drizzle and is still doing that nearly 2 hours later. The overcast skies and little off-and-on drizzle we got through the morning just served to keep it cooler. I didn't have to dig out the sunscreen or sunglasses at all while I sat watching. I don't know if the damp pavement might have made for more treacherous footing for the players, though.
I, just a spectator, came home wounded and bleeding! Never had that happen before.
I was sitting pretty well back from the court on the sidewalk in one of those canvas chairs that squeezes together and fits in a stuff bag. The ball went OOB toward me - TJ Keith chased it and took me straight over backward!!! - I essentially just rolled back, chair and all, and didn't hit any body part hard on anything - no pain or injury - just flat on my back still in the chair with a whole buch of big strong guys instantly there helping me up to my feet. No harm; no foul!!!
A while later I moved down to the Top Court to watch Amy Hughes and Candace Ferguson play. In between games a ball came my direction and I put out my hand to ward it off. It hit the end of my thumb and bent the nail backwards breaking it off at the quick leaving me with a bleeding thumb tip. Both TTT and Spanky were sitting right there - did they offer assistance??? - NOOOOOOOOOO - they just watched me bleed!!!
[Don't worry - I had a towel with me which I used to wrap up my thumb thus preventing more massive hemorrhage - more "massive", that is, than the 6 drops of blood I did lose!]
An eventful day!!! I got "run over" and have a bandaid on my thumb to show for it.
Fortunately, I put supper [Taco Bean Soup] in my crockpot early this morning before I left to go uptown to the Macker, and it will be ready in an hour or so. So I don't have to cook at all or get my bandaged thumb wet this evening - doing the dishes will wait!.
And we'll all try this all over again tomorrow!!! I really do enjoy the Gus Macker!!

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Re: Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13

Post by philthyphil »

I always knew those two were not very gentleman-like.

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Re: Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13

Post by WhiteWhiskers »

I hear that this is the last year for the Macker in Ironton---lack of interest
Number of teams is a way down this year Any truth to this?
Shame if it is just one less thing to do in this area in the summer

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Re: Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13

Post by Black Panther »

caglewis wrote:I was there all morning, but I confess, I bailed about 1:00 when it began raining harder. It poured briefly [15-20 min] as I was driving the 1-mile home and just after I arrived. Then it slackened back to barely a drizzle and is still doing that nearly 2 hours later. The overcast skies and little off-and-on drizzle we got through the morning just served to keep it cooler. I didn't have to dig out the sunscreen or sunglasses at all while I sat watching. I don't know if the damp pavement might have made for more treacherous footing for the players, though.
I, just a spectator, came home wounded and bleeding! Never had that happen before.
I was sitting pretty well back from the court on the sidewalk in one of those canvas chairs that squeezes together and fits in a stuff bag. The ball went OOB toward me - TJ Keith chased it and took me straight over backward!!! - I essentially just rolled back, chair and all, and didn't hit any body part hard on anything - no pain or injury - just flat on my back still in the chair with a whole buch of big strong guys instantly there helping me up to my feet. No harm; no foul!!!
A while later I moved down to the Top Court to watch Amy Hughes and Candace Ferguson play. In between games a ball came my direction and I put out my hand to ward it off. It hit the end of my thumb and bent the nail backwards breaking it off at the quick leaving me with a bleeding thumb tip. Both TTT and Spanky were sitting right there - did they offer assistance??? - NOOOOOOOOOO - they just watched me bleed!!!
[Don't worry - I had a towel with me which I used to wrap up my thumb thus preventing more massive hemorrhage - more "massive", that is, than the 6 drops of blood I did lose!]
An eventful day!!! I got "run over" and have a bandaid on my thumb to show for it.
Fortunately, I put supper [Taco Bean Soup] in my crockpot early this morning before I left to go uptown to the Macker, and it will be ready in an hour or so. So I don't have to cook at all or get my bandaged thumb wet this evening - doing the dishes will wait!.
And we'll all try this all over again tomorrow!!! I really do enjoy the Gus Macker!!
The game with Amy and Candace would have been the one to see for sure rain or not... ;-) I would have given you medical attention in your time of need cag! Glad to hear you survived at least...

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Re: Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13

Post by caglewis »

Right now - 7:30 AM - it is pouring rain here in Ironton and has been for the last 30 min or so complete with thunder and lightning.
WLWT Cincinnati showed this storm cell over Adams County an hour ago - now it's here. With any luck, an hour from now it wil be well off to our east.
I'm still planning to go up to the Macker, but maybe not as early as 8:30.

As to the "lack of interest" comment - I don't know about the comparitive numbers of participants and teams between this year and previous years, but downtown sure felt pretty crowded to me yesterday even with the weather being a little iffy. I think the Gus Macker is a great event for our little town. I really appreciate all the volunteer effort that goes into making this happen. It would be a real shame to let this quality event go by the wayside. Its appeal stretches across age and gender and encourages all [even just spectators] to get up and moving.

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Re: Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

FIDO wrote:It was probably biggdowgg and his blinding speed that ran cag over! :12224 :12224

I find it difficult to believe TTT and Spanky wouldn't help a damsel in distress!! They must have been keeping a close watch on their surroundings at the scorers table. :12224

I was going to help but Spanky cries when he sees blood........ :) :)

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Re: Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13

Post by caglewis »

HOORAY! - Promptly at 8:00 AM the sun came out!!! It's still pretty damp here at the moment, but the forecast shows a fairly large clear area on the west/back side of this storm cell that just passed through here. Here's hoping for several hours of dry sunny skies here in Ironton today.

Tiger Lady
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Re: Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13

Post by Tiger Lady »

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Re: Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13

Post by caglewis »

Thanks Tiger Lady for the great pics - which you were obviously there to take!
I think the Gus Macker is a great event, and I sincerely appreciate all the volunteer efforts that go into making holding/hosting it all work - BTW the flower baskets on the lamp posts, etc, are absolutely gorgeous! I really want the Gus Macker Tournament to continue here in Ironton!!
Last edited by caglewis on Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

I would have liked to see a pic of the 2 score-keepers on the Top Women's court.........2 of the hardest working and honest individuals that I know............ :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Ironton GUS MACKER - June 12/13

Post by caglewis »

But they were looking for attractive, athletically talented folks to photograph, TTT -
Not people who would just sit there and ignore bleeding spectators!

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