Better show up on that wedding day

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Better show up on that wedding day

Post by mstangmom »

A price to pay for saying "I don't"

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican brides and grooms who get cold feet before walking down the aisle will have to pay their significant other for the inconvenience, if a proposal by a local congressman is adopted.
In Mexico, weddings are big social events where large amounts of money are spent before the big day on gowns, tuxedos, catering and music bands and churches are even reserved years in advance.
Weddings of over 500, or even 1,000 guests, are frequently splashed across newspapers' social pages. According to Mexican tradition, the bride's family absorbs most of the expenses.
"He or she who refuses to live up to a marriage commitment will pay for the expenses that the other party made in connection with the planned matrimony," Zepeda's proposal says. ... O58oSs0NUE

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orange-n-brown 365
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Re: Better show up on that wedding day

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

I think marriage license should be $1000.00 an a divorce $25.00 that way people would think a little harder :lol:

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