Canceled TV shows....

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All State
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Post by robycop3 »

"GET THIS PARTY STARTED", UPN, canceled this week, lasted 2 episodes. I watched one, decided to never watch it again. But of course, both UPN and WB offer mostly junk anyway, IMHO.

UPN & WB are merging into the "CW" net, so all their barf bags can be on just one channel insteada two. WHO CARES?

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Post by robycop3 »

CheerTheWhiteAndPurple07 wrote:Some Nickelodeon for ya....Salute your shorts, Rocko's modern life, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Hey Dude, and Guts....i miss being 7 years

Who sez ya can't watch'em NOW, whenever ya can catch a rerun? Shoot, I still watch Rocky & Bullwinkle!

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Another bright move by the WB net!

Post by robycop3 »

Showing their intelligence, the WB network canceled their MOST-WATCHED show, "7th Heaven" ! It wasn't due to a ratings tank; it was because PRODUCTION COSTS HAD BECOME TOO HIGH! WB said that the cast had priced themselves outta work...but WHO AGREED to give them hefty salary hikes? Who was in charge of long-range planning? Whose responsibility was it to sell the show to some sponsors?

Another decent show which ran for 7 seasons to decent ratings, but was canceled in the merger w/UPN, is "Charmed".

Like UPN, WB has been turning out mostly trash for a number of years, four-episode bummerzz which quickly tank, "shows" that seem to be the by-product of someone's crack-smoking binge. "7th Heaven" was one of their few exceptions to this rule.(Along with "Everwood", "Gilmore Girls", " "Reba", "Smallville".)

Lookit some of their recent trash:

Beauty & the Geek(Tanking, should be exiting soon)

Just Legal(Very poor use of the popular Don Johnson-canceled)

Survival of the Richest(More reality trash, slated for a 6-episode run. The premise is so poor it may not make it past 2 episodes. It pairs a group of rich young people with a group of 7 working-class people such as we, to see if they can work together. This garbage was made by a group of execs who've collectively made nine reality turkeys that quickly bombed.[My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss, etc.] I don't expect anything but a big fat obnoxious pile of garbage in this new "show". No wonder their whole network fizzled; its execs were stupid enough to actually buy such a stupid show! They just didn't learn!)

Modern Men(Yet another show about relationships, with three romantically-challenged young men who turn to a female life coach,played by Jane Seymour, for help. Maybe Seymour can make this show interesting, but the best actor/actress cannot make a good show outta a bad idea or bad script.)

Related( Poor evening soap opera, on the ropes, hopefully gone soon)

The Bedford Diaries(From the WB's own blog:"The Bedford Diaries explores the excitement and intensity of New York City college life through the eyes of six students with different backgrounds, experiences and ages, who are brought together in a provocative Human Behavior and Sexuality seminar." Sounds about as interesting as opening your freezer & watching the ice melt. Given the quality of mosta the writers WB has employed, I won't waste time watching it whatsoever. Pre-judgemental on these new shows? Why not, given the low quality of their recent offerings that HAVE aired already.)

Wouldja really want any of these WB execs to be in charge of YOUR employer?
Last edited by robycop3 on Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by BigMcCauley55 »

i loved playmakers and joey

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Post by robycop3 »

Yeah, I liked Playmakers also, but Joey is about as funny as a flat tire.(to me, anyway.)

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Post by robycop3 »

A short list of WB cancellations, many of which should never have aired:

* All About the Andersons (Unfunny "comedy")
* Angel (Good show; unfortunately the ratings weren't there.)
* Brotherly Love (Trash, shoulda never aired-was canceled by NBC, wisely picked up by WB so it could bomb again)
* Buffy the Vampire Slayer )Good show; ran its course as "Buffy" had grown up)
* Birds of Prey ( Good idea, poor scripts)
* Dawson's Creek (Good show; priced itself out as "7th Heaven" has supposedly done.)
* Drew Carey's Green Screen Show (Rotten from Day One. Drew carey simply aint funny.)
* Do Over (Trash, shoulda never aired...Good idea, HORRIBLE writing/acting)
* Felicity ("Decent" but not great show; "ran its course".)
* For Your Love (Horrible reality trash, shoulda never aired.)
* Glory Days (Poor show all around; the WB execs shoulda seen it sucked before it ever aired.)
* Greetings from Tucson (Yet another quirky "Where do I fit in" teenager show. Woulda done all right if it hadn't been the umpteenth such show of that genre)
* Grosse Pointe (Another unfunny and downright STUPID comedy which, thankfully, tanked quickly)
* Grounded for Life (Not a bad show, but its ratings were sliding.)
* Jack & Jill (Another typical un-funny comedy which quickly bombed)
* Jack & Bobby (GREAT idea, about the childhood of a future President...Unfortunately, the lousy scripts & acting ruined it.)
* Just Legal (Very poor use of popular Don Johnson of Miami Mice..uh..Vice fame)
* Kirk (Yet another un-funny comedy)
* Like Family (How many times will I repeat"Un-funny Comedy"?)
* Nick Freno: Licensed Teacher (Started out funny, but soon went to a handbag as the jokes grew stale.)
* Nikki (See above comments. Theshow lasted until the novelty of staring at Nikki Cox's pectorals wore off )
* Popstars (An American Idol precursor; didn't doo too bad till idol hit the air)
* Popular (Another teen drama which bottomed out)
* Roswell (Not a bad show about teen aliens posing as humans, but its ratings soon flopped, and so did the show. It was picked up by Fox for another season, but then the aliens headed out into TV outer space for good.)
* Run of the House (Very poor teen angst)
* Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (Good show, ran its course when Sabrina grew up)
* Savannah (Evening soap opera; started out well, until the erudite execs at WB pitted it against perennial giane Monday Night Football.Big mistake, of which WB has had more than its share of. The show's ratings crashed, never to return, even after MNF was done for the year.)
* Sister, Sister (A decent comedy, which for some reasonwasn't given a chance by ABC. One of the few shows canceled by another net that WB was able to score with. Ran for 3 0r 4 years till the ratings bugs came home to roost.)
* Smart Guy (Story about a fictional grade-school genius; its scripts soon faded to junk, and the show faded from the screen.)
* Steve Harvey's Big Time (later known as Steve Harvey's Big Time Challenge (Steve is a very good comedian who shoulda stuck to comedy. He'd had a successful 7-year run with The Steve Harvey Show. Comedy, yes; reality, NO!)
* Studio 7 (Another dorky reality show which quickly tanked)
* Superstar USA (Spoof of American Idol; quickly bombed as Americans didn't want anyone dissing their Idol.)
* Tarzan (Simply a poor show, almost as bad as Ron Ely's Tarzan of the '60s)
* The Jamie Foxx Show (A successful and funny comedy that "ran its course". One of WB's few successes)
* The Jamie Kennedy Experiment (A poor imitation of Candid Camera & Punk'd, it started out OK, but soon we tired of it.)
* The Parent 'Hood (Decent comedy which ran its course)
* The PJs (Not an awful Claymation series, voiced by Eddie Murphy. However, it soon lost its audience.)
* The Steve Harvey Show (One of WB's success stories! However, their casting SH in a reality show, SH's big time, was a big mistake.)
* The Surreal Life (A scuzzy reality show about a group of former starlets & other washed-up celebrities living under one roof. In one of their wise moves, WB dumped this trash, which was unfortunately picked up by VH!, which considers a viewership of 7 a ratings triumph)
* The Mountain(Another quirky family show that flopped)
* The Wayans Bros. (Very first WB show! Too bad the network quickly degenerated after this successful comedy, which "ran its course".)
* Unhappily Ever After (A sucky imitation of Married With Children, it stayed around only because of the 'charms' of Nikki Cox.)
* Young Americans (Another lame teen "coming-of-age" show about boarding-school students. I never knew if it was a drama or a comedy, but one thing I knew it quickly was...CANCELED!)

All the comments about eacha these shows is strictly my opinion, so feel free to post YOUR own comments, especially if ya disagree with mine!

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Post by hdm1903 »

Ironton - Life on the streets.
My favorite. was canceled bout 20 years ago.

My favorite NEW Reality Show: Where that smell coming from?
I think OXYGEN will be picking it up soon I hope.

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Post by BigMcCauley55 »

i miss star trek well its still on but noo new ones

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Post by MariettaPride21 »

andy milinokis isnt on MTV its only on MTV2

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Post by BigMcCauley55 »

that show was stupid random stuff but funny

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Post by MariettaPride21 »


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Post by kevbk6222 »

Joey is coming back :o

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Post by robycop3 »

Another smarmy network that's fed a lotta garbage into our TVs is UPN.(United Paramount Network) However, unlike WB, they've generally had sense enough to dump a pieca trash they see aint gonna work, and to not pick up too many flopz from other networks. Here's a short list of their canceled shows:

* Amish in the City...A piece of garbage that never shoulda aired.
* Buffy the Vampire Slayer...A good show that was first on WB, which stupidly dropped it while it was still "hot"...UPN ran original episodes for 2 more seasons, but Buffy grew up & the show ended.
* Chains of Love...Reality trash that thankfully never made it to the air
* Deadly Games...Videogame character come to life, very bland show
* Dilbert ...based on the comic char, not as well-written as "The Simpsons", other animated series
* Disney's One Too... Good children's show, ended when Disney revamped its lineup
* Game Over...Another videogame char come-to-life show...good idea, very poor script
* Gary and Mike...A Claymation show that quickly tanked
* Get This Party Started...Purereality junk, shoulda never aired, wisely canceled after 2 episodes. that was 3 episodes too many of that krap.
* Haunted...Let's just say this was a very poor 'ghost' show which quickly joined its subjects in limbo
* Home Movies...A rip-off of "America's Funniest home Movies, it soon found IT'S home in TV hades, the cancellation bin
* Hitz...Never aired
* Homeboys in Outer Space...was funny, but it sometimes stereotyped young black males, and was canceled after a flurry of protests from the NAACP & other respected black orgs
* Jake 2.0...Fair show about a man who gained superhuman powers from a computer. Dropped when its ratings crashed
* Kevin Hill...Another lawyer show that failed eo draw an audience
* Live Shot...About a TV station news crew.A ratings turkey.
* Legacy..A drama set on a Ky. horse farm shortly after the Civil War. A ratings casualty, though not a bad show
* Legend...Never saw it, so I don't know anything about it.
* Love Boat: The Next Wave...A poor attempt to revive the ABC show that ran for 20 years. Quickly, and thankfully, tanked
* Manhunt...A piece of trash reality show that attempted to imitate "America's Next Top Model". It quickly became America's Next Canceled Show.
* Marker...Drama set in Hawaii. No action, quickly tanked.
* Mercy Point...An ER wannabee set in space. The whole show was soon in space.
* Moesha...A good show about a black teenage girl. Ran for several years, ended when its star had grown up
* The Mullets...A piece-of-krap "comedy" that was funny as a snowboard accident. Should never have aired.
* Nowhere Man...A photojournalist has his whole past erased by a covert govt. org. A good show that just couldn't pull enough ratings to survive its first season.
* The Parkers...An actually FUNNY comedy that was spun off from "moesha". Lasted several years before it finally burnt out in the ratings
* Pig Sty...Five males share an apartment in NYC. The name says it all.
* Platypus Man...An un-funny "comedy" quickly put outta our misery by the cancellation axe.
* The Twilight Zone...An attempted revival of the old and successful show from the 50s-60s. This version sucked, & quickly folded.
* Rock Me Baby...A bland comedy that managed somehow to last through almost 2 seasons
* Roswell...UPN's attempt to revive a show that tanked on WB. Soon tanked on UPN also.
* Second Time Around...About a couple who divorced, re-married 3 years later. Neither funny nor dramatic, it soon went belly-up.
* Secret Agent Man...Title says it all. Quickly gone.
* The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer...Fictional comedy about a black English nobleman who becomes Abe Lincoln's valet. Soon tanked.
* The Sentinel...Not a bad show about a police detective whose five senses had become supersensitive. Lasted for a coupla years till the inevitible ratings burnout ended its run
* Seven Days...sci-fi about time travel. Not bad, but quarrels among the cast doomed it.
* Sex, Love & Secrets...A shoddy attempt at an evening soap opera. From the gitgo, UPN didn't seem too committed to this show, but they unwisely aired 4 episodes anyway. It shoulda never aired at all.
* Shasta McNasty..A decent comedy that couldn't hold enough ratings to keep it through its second season.
* She-Wolf of London...About an American exchange student who becomes a werewolf. When show was moved to a setting in LA, its name was changed to "Love and Curses", its quality & ratings bottomed out, and soon so did the whole show.
* Special Unit 2...Sci-fi about a special Chicago Police unit that investigated paranormal and supernatural happenings in Chicago. Not a bad show, its competition on other networks was too tough, and it became a ratings casualty. Still has a cult following.
* Star Trek: Enterprise...Made a good run, ratings burned out at last. Will have a good syndication run, will be on DVD.
* Star Trek: Voyager...See above.
* Swift Justice...Cop show that was quickly arrested
* They Came From Outer Space...Sci-fi, fair show that couldn't hold any ratings
* Under One Roof...Groddy reality trash, pitting five families against each other trying to win a Fiji beach house. tanked after 2 episodes with near-record low ratings, UPN, in one of their less-erudite moves, brought it back as a 'summer replacement' but that one episode garnered record-low ratings even for summer TV. Game Over.(Thankfully)
* The anthology that sucked, and was quickly sucked into TV hades.
* XFL...The game broadcasts of the short-lived football league, followed the league into history.
* The Paranormal Borderline...Narrated paranormal experiences by normal people. Paranormal ratings soon beached this whale.

In summary...UPN hasn't laid quite as many eggs as has WB, but it's had as many fLOPS as have had NBC, ABC, CBS, & Fox together the last 3 years.

I expect that the CW net, the merger of WB & UPN, will offer nothing new, just some of the more popular shows on the two previous nets. About the only thing I currently watch on either one is "Smackdown".

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Post by robycop3 »

It's my understanding that "Joey" is gonna be brought back & given ONE MORE CHANCE to pick up some ratings points. If it doesn't significantly increase its viewership, it's history.

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Post by robycop3 »

S'more recent cancellations:

AIRLINE, A&E net...Showed the inner workings of Southwest Airlines as they scheduled flights, dealt with the daily business of running an airline. decent show, but its welcome was worn out. There are only so many things to show in running an airline business.

THAT 70S SHOW, Fox...Sitcom set in the 1970s...Ashton Kutcher got his start here, but the show's material (and ratings) had deterioriated.

MALCOLM IN THE MIDDLE,Fox...Not a bad show, lasted 6 seasons. however, its star, Frankie Muniz, grew up, and Fox decided enuff is enuff.

EMILY'S REASONS WHY NOT, ABC...I saw its only aired episode; IMO trash, shoulda never aired at all.

WEST WING, NBC...Got old, ratings falling...NO politicians are THAT honest! Will run till May 2006

WILL & GRACE, NBC...Eight(seasons) is enough. Runs till May, 2006

BOOK OF DANIEL,NBC...canceled after 3 shows, as Christian groups were threatening to riot on the order of the Moslems who protested the cartoons of Mohammed.

JAKE IN PROGRESS, ABC...about a NYC publicist...never had any acceptable ratings...ABC couldn't decide whether to cancel or not until recently when they finally realized no one was gonna watch it.

STRONG MEDICINE, Lifetime...Medical drama that lasted 6 seasons, its welcome wore out. Not a bad show, MIGHT see it on DVD.

WANTED, TNT...Couldn't pull any ratings, as TV was already full of crime/cop dramas.

TONY DANZA SHOW, Syndicated...Couldn't compete in the ratings with all the other talk shows that are already established.

LOVE MONKEY, CBS...One of CBS' few booboos over the last 3 years, about a young record exec lookin' for love. Garbage, shoulda never aired.

CHARMED, WB...Yet another stupid move by the WB management, which is not known for its intelligence to start with. This show had been around for 7 or 8 years, with passable ratings & a loyal audience. WB is ending the show in May. I believe CW should at least have given it a chance. I believe this show will almost surely be available on DVD by fall '06.

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Post by robycop3 »

It appears that CBS will drop "Still Standing" and "Yes,Dear" from their lineup shortly. However, this is not set in stone right now, and one or both COULD be renewed. But it's starting to look less likely as CBS has already renewed 14 other shows, and something's gotta go to make space for their new offerings.

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Post by robycop3 »

Fans of "Joey".....

Ya might wanna record every episode that airs from now on...Joey returned from hiatus last night with a double dose...a repeat episode and an original one...and averaged only 3.95 million viewers. This is a very ominous sign, as generally, when a show returns from hiatus, its viewership perks up, if the public actually likes the show. (Note that American Idol's viewership was somewhat UP when it returned.)

A viewership of only 3.95 million on a major net such as NBC spells certain doom for the show! I notice there are a few "Joey" fans here, so I thought I'd post fair warning!

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Post by robycop3 »

Looks as if "Yes, Dear" is the next casualty. CBS says the LAST episode ran 2/15/06.

It doesn't bode well for ABC's "Sons & Daughters", with one episode having only 5.71 million viewers, and the second episode having only 5.01 million. That's quite a drop from the 8.41 million viewers of its premiere on 3/7/06, & the second episode of the same night viewership

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Post by robycop3 »

The water cooler talk about the new CW network does NOT include Love, Inc., Eve, and Cuts. It DOES, however, include Everybody Hates Chris.

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Post by MariettaPride21 »

Differnt Strokes

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