Three things that happened at OU today

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Three things that happened at OU today

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Here are three things that happened at OU today, one of which is Trump related.......

1. Ohio University announced that effective July 1, Transgender health-care coverage will be provided to employees, including gender reassignment surgery.

2. An OU committee released the results of an earlier survey regarding restrooms on campus. The purpose was to figure out what to call "All Gender Restrooms" on campus........meaning they wouldn't be specified as male or female, but would be open to all. The survey results showed a preference for "Single User Restroom". While there will still be male and female restrooms on campus, single user restrooms will increase in the future.

3. Someone overnight painted the OU Graffiti Wall to say "Trump 2016" and "Build the Wall". The Hispanic-Latina Union is holding a discussion about this event today for those effected by this event, immediately following the repainting of the wall to show solidarity over the offensive graffiti wall.

I figure these three things will liven up the conversation on here! lol

Have at it!

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by Raider6309 »

Glad to see the regressive left is hard at work with big issues :lol:

I live on a major road in Athens. I'm half tempted to have a Trump sign, not that I support him but left wingers hate him

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by Runner »

I thought maybe something actually newsworthy happened at OU. I was wrong.

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by NYBuckeye96 » ... 12377.html
Students and OU officials reacted to pro-Trump graffiti painted by Bentley Hall
Posted: Thursday, April 7, 2016 5:02 pm | Updated: 12:16 am, Fri Apr 8, 2016.

Brook Endale | For The Post

The graffiti wall by Bentley Hall was found painted over with the words "Trump 2016" and "Build The Wall!!" on Thursday.

Some Ohio University students were upset by the display.

“I felt disgust, frustration and I expected more from this campus,” Joshelyn Smith, a senior studying communication and public advocacy, said.

The Hispanic and Latino Student Union at OU put together an emergency meeting that took place in OU's Multicultural Center after finding out about the mural and ultimately painted over it at 3 p.m. Thursday.

“The goal of the meeting was to start a discussion," Carla Triana, Hispanic and Latino Student Union president, said. "We heard about (the mural) at 9 this morning, and we had to do something instantaneously. We had to educate people on why this was offensive."

Jordan Hummel, an OU student who runs the @OUforTrump16 Twitter account, said the students behind the account weren't involved with the painting.

"I think the marking could have used a better slogan to represent Trump and his supporters," Hummel said in an email. "Although, we do like seeing people coming out in support for Trump."

At the meeting, Triana started off with an explanation of why the message written on the graffiti wall was upsetting to her.

“The fact that it said 'Trump 2016' isn’t offensive," Triana said. "The 'build a wall' part is offensive."

The meeting was structured as an open discussion as attendees took turns voicing their concerns. Many people said the Trump graffiti added to a feeling of being unsafe on campus after a Black Lives Matter logo was vandalized and an OU student encountered someone shouting the N-word earlier this academic year.

Angela Harris, a group coordinator at Counseling and Psychological Services, said those feelings of fear could have dire results.

“Racial psychological trauma is real," Harris said. "It comes from a history of being discriminated against. This fear many people are describing needs to be acknowledged and addressed or it will turn into anxiety. People will begin to think, ‘I should transfer because I don’t feel safe.' ”

The discussion moved to the need for cultural competency classes that would be required for everyone to take. Such classes are being developed, according to a previous Post report.

“It’s important to learn about different cultures and I don’t understand why we don’t have required cultural competency classes," Simone Anderson, a sophomore studying theater, said. "Instead of reacting to these kinds of events, why don’t we try to be proactive and educate ourselves? That’s how we can fix this."

OU President Roderick McDavis was in attendance and assured students that he heard their concerns and was determined to take steps on campus to create a culture of understanding at OU.

"I am upset because we are repeating the same thing," McDavis said during the event. "We had the same conversation in December. What’s on the wall isn’t right. I am offended. We should all be offended."

McDavis outlined steps he believed could help with cultural competency, such as hiring a more diverse staff and working to have some kind of cultural competency element during orientation. He encouraged students to speak out to their professors and the chairs of their departments about those desires.

"They need to hear it from you too," McDavis said. "It’s one thing if they hear it from me, but it's important if they hear it from students as well."

McDavis and Jenny Hall-Jones, dean of students and interim vice president for Student Affairs, said the university will be releasing a statement addressing the message written on the wall.

Triana invited everyone to join and help repaint the wall with what she considered a more "positive message."

“It was great to see many different diverse people come together and express solidarity. Now we are going to repaint the wall with a positive message,” Triana said.

The group headed to the graffiti wall to paint "Build Bridges Not Walls."

“It’s not an anti-Trump message at all. It's us saying we need to come together,” delfin bautista, director of the LGBT Center, said.

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by Abe Froman »

Today's youth are borderline clueless, instigate drama at the drop of a hat, and are so soft they could be the Pillsbury dough boy's twin.

Some key quotes from above that should demonstrate this:

"Emergency meeting", lol, someone supports building a wall to help keep illegal immigrants out - not racially discriminate - just enforce the law which heaven forbid we enforce the law.

Now it is offensive for candidates to propose solutions (notwithstanding whether there is merit) to enforce the laws that this USA passed. Please.

The comment that someone feels "unsafe" because a student paints "Build the Wall"? Trade places with a 19-year old marine or army private for a day serving overseas. Fairly confident reading a painting about building a wall while you walk to your Art History class will put things in a new perspective for you regarding "feeling safe". Fast becoming a nation of entitled wusses. Give me a break on feeling safe.

Mandatory cultural competency classes? Yes, what a brilliant idea lol. How about mandatory selective there is an idea that would actually solve the entitlement issue.

Again, someone is going to have to explain that why building a wall (notwithstanding the merit) racially/psychologically traumatizes anyone. A student that believes that enforcing the laws of this country is traumatizing needs a reality check.

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by cbolt »

That puts things in perspective! Very well put Abe,couldn't agree more,every generation keeps getting more and more spoiled and sensitive it seems. :( Kinda glad I am starting on the back nine of life.Things could be really bad in the future with the end near.

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

A message from President McDavis
Dear Students and Colleagues,

Words are powerful!

Words can help us to celebrate, to inform, dispute, or support. Simply put, words can unite, and words can divide. The beauty and power of words is that they can have different meanings to different people. Sometimes words heal. Other times, those same words can hurt.

Yesterday, I met with students and members of our Hispanic/Latino community who saw words that troubled them on the Graffiti Wall. Indeed, this wall is a place of free speech and expression; however, the words painted were troubling because they had a very different meaning to some than they may have to others viewing the message or even to those who painted the message.

The students, faculty and staff with whom I met explained to me that those words were ones of unwelcome, of divide. They said Ohio University has always been a place that they consider “home” and upon viewing these words, they questioned whether they would continue to be welcome – a feeling shared more broadly in our nation as we grapple with feelings of intolerance and experiences of bias. I reaffirmed that the Hispanic/Latino members of our University community are indeed welcome and valued.

Today, I share this message to reiterate and reassure you that Ohio University remains a home to ALL. We have consistently been a national leader when it comes to inclusion. We have made equality and diversity a campus-wide priority throughout our storied 212-year history and we will continue to do so – I can promise you that.

Words are only temporary, however, their impact can be everlasting. So, to the members of the Bobcat community who were hurt by yesterday’s words, here are my words to you: I value you. I believe in you. I support you.

In closing, next week is one of Ohio University’s biggest celebrations of unity – International Week. It is a time I look forward to each year as we celebrate what is different, beautiful and unique about being Bobcats. In the spirit of next week’s events and beyond, I encourage all of us to continue our quest for understanding and to learn about cultures that enrich our community and unite our world.

We are always stronger together!


Roderick J. McDavis

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by Abe Froman »

"Words are powerful!", per OU President McDavis.

I might argue actions are even more powerful. Consider the powerful actions of an illegal immigrant that was deported 5 times but found refuge in San Francisco (a "sanctuary" city) that shot and killed Kate Steinle as she walked on Fisherman's Wharf with her father this past July. Consider those actions OU President McDavis for a moment if you will. Think about being deported 5 times, and re-entering this country illegally through the porous border (I hesitate to even call it a border honestly), and killing someone while she walked with her dad on a July evening.

So, Mr. McDavis, your condescending statement that places one groups "right" to not see something that they see as offensive over another person or groups right to use the graffiti wall to make a statement that they think is equally important (manage our borders in accordance with the laws of the USA) is, frankly, silliness. Perhaps you should consider the person that wrote "Build the Wall" is equally offended by this country's lack of ability to deal with the immigration issue.

Why Mr. McDavis do you feel so superior to think that one person's quite legitimate belief that a wall (for the record I am not in the favor of a wall but I understand others perspective) may help control our borders is trumped by another groups outrage that it means something else. "Build the Wall" does not equate to discrimination against Latinos. There is zero correlation Mr. McDavis, I imagine you possess a number of degrees, Masters and Doctorates and have wrote thesis after thesis and been challenged intellectually, so where Mr. McDavis did you miss the English lesson that Build the Wall doesn't mean the person who said that is anti-Latino? Instead of you taking neutral ground and simply saying one doesn't equal the other and some students political beliefs may be different than others and they have the RIGHT to express that DIFFERENCE, you instead immediately coddle the "victimized group" and push political correctness down the throats of some that most likely ready to choke on all of it.

Are you going to meet with groups and issue equally vapid statements to those that may feel victimized by this country's continued stance in allowing rampant illegal immigrants to enter this country and do what they please?

Here is a suggestion for you Mr. McDavis, stay in the world of academia where you can float from one PC position to the next, thereby avoiding real discussions that may be too hard for your cushy world.

When you have enough stones to tell a group(s) whether they are white, black, tan, democrats, republicans or martians for that matter that: Hey, news flash people are going to disagree with your beliefs, get some thicker skin, keep your focus and do what YOU believe is right; the world doesn't stop on its axis every time someone is offended. If you want to do your student body some good, quit coddling them and rocking them to sleep before placing them in their comfy crib at night.

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by cbolt »

I have to wonder if anything would have even been said about this if not for them idiots in Georgia.We live in a copycat society and people love to mimic others.It's just the cool thing to do :roll:

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by Runner »

If these Hispanics/Latinos are here legally, it should not bother them. You would think they would want to help preserve what they have earned. If not legal....go back home and try it the correct way.

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by ManitouDan2 »

Abe Rocks . Sounds like the prez at OU is a major douche bag .

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by dazed&confused »

I'm not informed enough about trans-gender issues to have an intelligent conversation on the matter. I do think this is a garbage thread designed to provoke reactions. You guys haven't gotten the point that social issues aren't winning you elections. But have at it.

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by The Oaf »

dazed&confused wrote:I'm not informed enough about trans-gender issues to have an intelligent conversation on the matter. I do think this is a garbage thread designed to provoke reactions. You guys haven't gotten the point that social issues aren't winning you elections. But have at it.

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by Abe Froman »

dazed&confused wrote:You guys haven't gotten the point that social issues aren't winning you elections. But have at it.
Some people "haven't gotten" that winning elections doesn't equal advancing this country and/or the citizens living in this country.

Keep giving away the principles that founded this great nation to those who could care less about the future.

Win your elections...grab your power, do nothing, repeat.

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by NYBuckeye96 » ... user-share
McDavis, OU Greek Life address 'build the wall' graffiti

By Sara Brumfield Messenger staff journalist

Changes have been made to the schedule of Ohio University’s Greek Week after members of the Greek community painted the phrase “Build the Wall” on the university’s graffiti wall last week, referring to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign to increase security at the U.S./Mexico border. Hispanic and Latino OU students expressed discomfort with the message and spoke to OU President Roderick McDavis about the incident.

On the graffiti wall last week, the words “Trump 2016” and “Build the Wall” were painted. OU’s Hispanic and Latino Student Union then organized and covered the Trump-supporting mural with a more positive message that read, “Build bridges not walls” and “Juntos somos mas fuerte,” which translates as “together we are more strong.” That message has since been covered with an unrelated new mural.

On Friday, McDavis sent a message to the campus community addressing the issue.

“Yesterday, I met with students and members of our Hispanic/Latino community who saw words that troubled them on the Graffiti Wall. Indeed, this wall is a place of free speech and expression; however, the words painted were troubling because they had a very different meaning to some than they may have to others viewing the message or even to those who painted the message,” McDavis wrote.

McDavis continued, “The students, faculty and staff with whom I met explained to me that those words were ones of unwelcome, of divide.”

The president said the group he spoke to on Thursday felt that OU has always been a place that they considered home.

“Upon viewing these words, they questioned whether they would continue to be welcome — a feeling shared more broadly in our nation as we grapple with feelings of intolerance and experiences of bias. I reaffirmed that the Hispanic/Latino members of our university community are indeed welcome and valued,” McDavis wrote.

As this week marks OU’s annual International Week, McDavis encouraged the community to “continue our quest for understanding and to learn about cultures that enrich our community and unite our world.”

On Sunday, a letter was issued to the OU sorority and fraternity life community and supporters from the four governing councils for Greek Life at OU.

In addition to International Week, it is also Greek Week on campus.

“In recent years, the typical programming offered during Greek Week has not promoted inclusion among all members of our sorority and fraternity community,” stated Sunday’s letter. “This annual spring week of events, which should focus on unity, service, philanthropic work, and fraternal values has instead become stressful, focused on social events with alcohol, and antithetical to what we as sororities and fraternities should represent.”

According to the letter, even with efforts to promote inclusion, members of the Greek community “chose to paint the graffiti wall to include a message that among other items stated: ‘build the wall.’”

The letter states that the identity of the individuals and their affiliation is not at the center of this controversy.

“The individuals who made this choice were within their rights to free speech, and the individuals responsible will not face any sanction outcome,” the letter continues. “However, it is the opinion of leaders within our community that this message is one that does not promote inclusion and in fact, alienated members of the Ohio University Sorority and Fraternity community and our Bobcat Family. This phrase is offensive and hurtful to many individuals as it is directly tied to the Hispanic/Latino/a community, makes them feel marginalized, and the message was interpreted that they do not belong at Ohio University.”

Following the incident last week, the four governing bodies of OU’s Greek Life decided that changes needed to be made to Greek Week as it was previously planned.

“The choice has instead been made to refocus this week immediately to showcase our fraternal values and support the entire community,” the letter says.

In addition to the changes to the schedule, the governing councils made the choice to not approve or support any official or unofficial social activities with alcohol during this week.

“We instead encourage members to engage with one another in authentic conversations and to find alternate ways to get to know each other in brotherhood/sisterhood focused events, without the influence of alcohol,” the letter says.

In his letter on Friday, McDavis wrote, “Words are only temporary; however, their impact can be everlasting. So, to the members of the Bobcat community who were hurt by (Thursday’s) words, here are my words to you: I value you. I believe in you. I support you.”

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

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Alden Library to see $200,000 in improvements to fourth floor, gender-neutral bathroom by Fall Semester

Plans for a gender-neutral bathroom on the library's fifth floor are underway, Seaman said, adding that he anticipates the restroom will be finished by Fall Semester.

“We are not building a new restroom,” Seaman said. “We are opening and adapting an existing restroom to be a gender-neutral restroom.”

Seaman said the cost for the gender-neutral bathroom will be "minimal" because the university is re-purposing an existing bathroom.

“We’re hoping that will be a little more welcoming to our transgender community,” Seaman said.

Carolyn Miller, a senator at-large for Student Senate, brought the idea of gender-neutral restrooms to Seaman. She is working with the library to help with some of the future changes.

“I have so many friends who are uncomfortable, who are awkward, who are so trapped by a bathroom,” Miller said. “You shouldn’t feel stuck having to go to the bathroom.”

The LGBT Center was not directly involved in the changes at Alden Library, but had “campus-wide discussions” about gender-neutral bathrooms that took place in the summer of 2015, delfin bautista, director of the center, said.

“It gives everybody a chance to feel safe when using the bathroom," bautista, who uses they/them pronouns and the lowercase spelling of their name, said.

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by dazed&confused »

Abe Froman wrote:
dazed&confused wrote:You guys haven't gotten the point that social issues aren't winning you elections. But have at it.
Some people "haven't gotten" that winning elections doesn't equal advancing this country and/or the citizens living in this country.

Keep giving away the principles that founded this great nation to those who could care less about the future.

Win your elections...grab your power, do nothing, repeat.
Here is a point where I can enjoin the conversation. The founding principles of the country were a starting point and imperfect at that. For instance, "All men are created equal." Did the founding fathers consider ALL men to be equal? For that matter, what about women? I like to think the real essence of the American ideal is that each individual is to be respected, endowed by their creator (sic) with certain inalienable rights. Those whose values are different from ours are to be respected even though it might differ from the generally accepted norms of the majority. I don't know what feelings Transgender folks have but I'm certain it doesn't impinge on my rights. LGBT individuals don't threaten my beliefs. As for the wall, I quote that conservative icon, General George Patton. "Fixed fortifications are monuments to man's stupidly. " And actually more Hispanics have left the US than came in over the last decade. Those who are here live in the shadows. Why not make them a real contributing force to the American economy?

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by Raider6309 »

Basically we live in a society that loves to hate on groups. Now its white males and Christians

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by Abe Froman »

dazed&confused wrote: Here is a point where I can enjoin the conversation. The founding principles of the country were a starting point and imperfect at that. For instance, "All men are created equal." Did the founding fathers consider ALL men to be equal? For that matter, what about women? I like to think the real essence of the American ideal is that each individual is to be respected, endowed by their creator (sic) with certain inalienable rights. Those whose values are different from ours are to be respected even though it might differ from the generally accepted norms of the majority. I don't know what feelings Transgender folks have but I'm certain it doesn't impinge on my rights. LGBT individuals don't threaten my beliefs. As for the wall, I quote that conservative icon, General George Patton. "Fixed fortifications are monuments to man's stupidly. " And actually more Hispanics have left the US than came in over the last decade. Those who are here live in the shadows. Why not make them a real contributing force to the American economy?
Well, none of my comments above addressed the transgender topic, one that honestly I am not very versed on, as I do not consider it a pressing national, state or local issue.

There is nothing black and white anymore just varying shades of gray it appears. Apparently that is now applicable to men and women, even a person's sex is no longer black or white but a man or a woman can now be shades of gray.

I will say that I think my daughter's use of a public restroom is more important than a man's right to dress up as a woman and use that restroom, but whatever let's spend a few hundred thousand dollars and now make there be three choices: Men's - Women's - Transgender. Clearly a pressing public need for this.

Hey, wonder who will file the first Title IX lawsuit for there to be NCAA Division 1 teams for transgender players, because we will need that next. Men's Basketball, Women's Basketball and Transgender Basketball. I mean fair is fair right?

You may want to actually quote Patton correctly if you choose to do so (stupidity not stupidly), and furthermore consider his fixed fortification quote simply means anything built by man can be destroyed by man is in the context of war-time. Otherwise you would apply it to anything ever built, and therefore conclude it is stupid. Not what he had in mind when quoted during combat.

But I digress, clearly we need to place three restroom choices in every public setting, forget about bridges, roads, infrastructure, and education, let's get the third choice of restroom built.

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Re: Three things that happened at OU today

Post by noreply66 »

Ronnie wanted walls to come down and it seems after that happen we want to build walls. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

GO LOGAN..The anti-Christ is among us
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