Politico - Why Romney Will Win

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Politico - Why Romney Will Win

Post by kantuckyII »

..and from a source these libs love too
Why Romney will win

Our two-year quest to elect a president will (mercifully) conclude next Tuesday. No more campaign stops in Ohio, no more 30-second attack ads, no more fundraising letters — well, those letters are likely to keep coming. But a cold, hard reading of the most important trends and numbers tells us that Mitt Romney will be elected America’s 45th president. Here are the reasons why.

The composition of the electorate favors the GOP: Polls by both Gallup and Rasmussen predict a partisan electorate modeled more closely after 2004 than 2008. In 2004, the GOP’s edge among self-identified Republicans and the larger category of “lean Republican” carried George W. Bush to a narrow win. In 2008, Democrats held a large partisan edge (Gallup plus-12, Rasmussen plus-7), and then-Sen. Barack Obama coasted to victory. While it was not uncommon for surveys earlier this year to find Democrats’ partisan edge approaching double digits, both pollsters now see an electorate evenly divided between the parties with a slight edge to the GOP due primarily to heightened Republican voter intensity. Other surveys still show an edge to Democrats, but the margins are down to 3 or 4 percentage points

In addition, surveys by the Tarrance Group find Romney with a double-digit lead among independents , a group vitally concerned about the economy and job creation, precisely the Romney closing message in the campaign. For that reason, Tarrance partner Ed Goeas feels that this Republican advantage could actually grow as Election Day approaches, resulting in a potentially larger GOP victory than is now being forecast.
The GOP ground game rivals the Democrats’: This is a surprising finding of two national surveys (ABC-Washington Post and NBC-Wall Street Journal). The number of households that report being contacted by the respective campaigns is virtually even. It was generally assumed that Obama would outperform his poll numbers because of superior organization, but that may not be the case. A wave of intensity and enthusiasm is powering one of the strongest Republican voter contact programs ever. Given the president’s deficit in the national polls, this can mean only bad news for Obama .

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/10 ... z2AsyWxMXk

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Re: Politico - Why Romney Will Win

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/pre ... ino-voters
Poll: Obama leads Romney by 52 points with Latino voters

By Cameron Joseph - 10/29/12 09:35 AM ET

President Obama has a 52-point lead over Mitt Romney with Latino voters, according to the latest tracking poll from Latino Decisions.

The 73-to-21 percent lead, if it holds up on Election Day, would best Obama's already record margin among Latino voters from the 2008 election, and matches his widest lead since the tracking poll began in late summer.

In 2008, Obama won the Hispanic vote by 67 to 31 percent, according to exit polls. A top Romney surrogate told The Hill last summer that the campaign's goal was to win 38 percent of the nationwide Latino vote.

Obama's poll lead is also a major impediment for Romney in states like Colorado, Nevada and Florida. Romney likely needs to win Florida and Colorado to become president.

Not only does Obama have a huge edge with Latino voters, they're also showing a higher likelihood to vote than earlier this year.

According to the poll, 87 percent of registered Latino voters are planning to vote, a big jump from previous years. Fifty-nine percent say they're "very enthusiastic," with 45 percent saying they're more enthusiastic to vote this year than in 2008.

Romney's campaign has long argued that key Obama constituencies, including Latino voters, were less likely to show up this year than four years ago.

Romney's path to victory might run through Midwestern states with fewer Latinos, like Ohio and Iowa.

But if he is unable to win Colorado or Florida, that would be a huge blow to his campaign — and if these numbers are correct, that could prove very damaging for him in those states.

Romney holds a 1.5-percentage point lead over Obama in the RealClearPolitics average of polls in Florida. The two candidates are tied in Colorado, according to the RCP average.

Nevada looks like it's leaning toward Obama, according to polling and early voting results, and much of that is due to his strong support with the state's Latino voters.

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Re: Politico - Why Romney Will Win

Post by kantuckyII »

With a week to go in the presidential race, a new poll shows the race for Florida's 29 electoral votes is going to be very, very close.

Mitt Romney leads President Obama, 50% to 49%, among likely Florida voters, according to a new poll released Monday by CNN/ORC International
Now, one thing you need to know, you ARE going to be a loser either way. If Romney wins, you'll think you're a loser )but in actuality, you'll be a winner). If Obama wins, we are all losers

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Re: Politico - Why Romney Will Win

Post by fightingtigers45 »

I think Obama will win because his margin for error is larger. He can win WITHOUT Ohio, Virginia, and Florida. Romney needs all 3 and then some.

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Re: Politico - Why Romney Will Win

Post by kantuckyII »

WEll, let's pray you're wrong. I know Christians across this country are praying that God delivers us from Barack Obama and his wicked evil ways!

I recently saw where one pastor addressed the question of why God would allow a man like Obama to be our president, especially if it's a second term. His answer was that God might be using Obama to punish America to get them to turn back to God as we've lost our way

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Re: Politico - Why Romney Will Win

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

20 years from now, if Hispanics back the D by this same margin, even Mississippi will be a blue state! The hispanic population is exploding and the white population is shrinking as a percentage of the electorate.

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Re: Politico - Why Romney Will Win

Post by LucasJackson »

I hear a lot about Christians being sad if Obama wins. In reality if all Christians felt the way you did, Obama would never win. One thing is for sure, if Obama wins, it will be close and the reason he wins is because some Christians voted for him.

I will vote for neither.

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Re: Politico - Why Romney Will Win

Post by kantuckyII »

A lot of Christians don't put their trust in God. They're trusting in a man. You know that. I remember in 2008 having so many Christians telling me that they knew it was wrong to vote for Obama but 'look at the economy'

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Re: Politico - Why Romney Will Win

Post by kantuckyII »

Also, it's one thing for a person to say something is wrong but they do it anyway - and a whole another story to do something wrong and don't believe it's wrong. There's just something wrong when the Spirit of God doesn't convict. I think there's a lot of people who THINK they're Christians but one day, they'll find themselves hearing the most awful statement they could ever imagine 'Depart from me because I never knew you'

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Re: Politico - Why Romney Will Win

Post by abuck76 »

Romney's Hurricane "Relief Effort" Was as Fake as Ryan's Soup Kitchen Photo Op


Both events were pulled off with calculated cynicism.

Yesterday, Romney's campaign – facing the challenge of a president in command of natural disaster relief – converted an Ohio political rally into a political rally disguised as providing voluntary charitable contributions to help hurricane victims on the East Coast. The problem was that collecting canned goods and other items is not what agencies such as the Red Cross want. In fact, attempting to process such relatively small donations hinders massive assistance efforts, according to non-governmental organizations.

Loading donated cans of Campbell's Soup and jars of peanuts into a rental truck makes for a nice photo-op, but it won't help any hurricane victims. Nine will get you ten that the donations will be dropped off at some pantry in Ohio, far away from the damage from Sandy.

On top of that, BuzzFeed reports that allegedly $5,000 was spent at Walmart by the Romney campaign so that Mitt could be photographed amidst an abundant supply of granola bars and diapers.

This last-minute "relief effort," of course, is consistent with the Romney/Ryan belief that individual charitable contributions can somehow take care of areas with billions of dollars in damage. Did anyone bring a house, bridge or subway to the Romney "compassion" charade? Doubt it, wouldn't fit in the rental truck.

Romney's notion of non-governmental resolution of natural disasters is as fecklessly quaint as his "horses and bayonets" notion of our military needs. Since Romney refuses to repeat his promise to dismantle FEMA since Hurricane Sandy struck, he can only offer a feeble photo showing him accepting a six pack of Gatorade. It was so Disneyesque!

The Ohio stunt provides a one-two punch of opportunistic displays of ambition disguised as compassion. Just last week Romney's running mate, Paul Ryan, practically broke into a soup kitchen in Youngstown in order to get a photo of him washing pans with his wife. But don't think the Ayn Rand acolyte was going soft. It was all for show. According to US News and World Report:

Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s visit Saturday to an Ohio food kitchen was no more than a staged photo op, fumes the charity’s president.

Ryan barged into the Youngstown dining hall long after guests had been served and left, grabbed an apron and scrubbed down a few measly dishes while TV cameras and photographers snapped away, said Brian J. Antal, president of the Mahoning County St. Vincent De Paul Society, the charity that runs the soup kitchen.

"Had I been on site, he would not have been allowed in," Antal told the Daily News on Tuesday.

Natural disasters present crises that pull the nation together, which is counter to the GOP presidential campaign notion of every man and woman for him or herself.

Just as Romney's charge that Obama is responsible for a non-existent movement of 1500 Jeep manufacturing jobs to China is as fake as a three dollar bill, so is his con of acting compassionate http://truth-out.org/buzzflash/commenta ... n-photo-op

................................ :12224

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