True and funny story from a bee's point of view.

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True and funny story from a bee's point of view.

Post by Cookie »

Names withheld for obvious reasons. :122249

It was a beautiful fall evening in a small southern Ohio town. When a pesky bee arrived to cause a serious of events that would be unbelievable unless witnessed by your own eyes. The bee sees an unwilling and an unwitting blonde lady ripe for the stinging. As he approaches her the bee hears her asking if Bin Laden was a country, he now figures this is an easy mark as he turns and loads his weapon. He lands and does his business as he is flying away he turns to ponder the chaos which he has caused; he first hears the woman call for her husband to get her medicine, she's allergic to him, then he watches the argument between the two about which one will give her the shot. Finally, a third man is summoned, as he approaches the bee gets the feeling that this must be a trained professional and knows his night of fun is over. The trained professional calmly takes the pen and jams it into her leg the process is over, or not, as the trained professional lets out a scream as he had the pen backwards and he gave himself the shot in his thumb. The man is turning pale as his heart races from the adrenaline and now the crowd starts to laugh, someone shouts "Call 911!" The bee is over come with laughter as he feels a tinkle go down his leg. After the squad arrives and tends to the hysterical, Bin Laden country searching, blonde lady, her stunningly handsome husband (props for telling me the story) and the clearly untrained professional man, the bee decides to call it a life as his could never be funnier then this moment and he slams himself into a windshield of a nearby passing truck.

F-4 Phantom
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Re: True and funny story from a bee's point of view.

Post by F-4 Phantom »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: True and funny story from a bee's point of view.

Post by eagles73Taylor »

Unfortunately, this is indeed a true story. I am the stunningly handsome husband btw! lol :lol: :122246 :122245 :122248 :mrgreen: 8)

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