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Post by Jeeps99 »

Should a JR High coach cry when you don't win, and always say its the teams fault? Our coach will just quit coaching in the middle of the game. If you want respect show them some. These are kids, with way to much Oprah, at practice. Have practice and less talk.
And don't take it out on the kids, I'm a adult
It would be nice if our coach would act like one

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Post by jeepgirl_4life »

I don't think crying is expected at any level of coaching. (Crying, there's no crying in baseball.........tom hanks, a league of their own)

Was this a one time deal or does it happen often?

As far as the "Oprah" thing, do the girls ask her for her opinion? I know that she's there to coach, but if one girl has a problem, sometimes addressing things as a group is easier than an embarassing one on one. Just ideas.

Coaching has a very thin line sometimes. We get attached to the kids (athletes) and want to help them in studies, sports, and other things that they tend to confide in a coach.

Good luck Lady Jeeps!

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Post by fastpitch junkie »

:aaaaa18 it sounds like someone else is crying if you have to get on a public forum and speak your mind. apparently you have never been a coach at the interscolastic level. it is far more difficult than coaching biddy ball or little league. you deal with everything in different ways and sometimes you may have had a bad day and you just collapse and break down. but you jeep99 must be the perfect person that has never fell apart for any reason. you probably have never gone to practice and seen what takes place maybe you should. you may even be getting a partial story and don't know what has happened or what is going on. i was there and i think that the coach did the right thing by pulling out the starting five and replacing them. they apparently thought the game was won and thus a lack of effort started to take place. the girls that replaced them should have taken that opportunity to shine and show what they can do. if the second five would have come back and won the game what would have been said then. who knows maybe there might be a mix-up in the starters for the next game. we will have to see tommorrow. a coach puts forth an extremely large amout of time and effort into teaching your kids the game and also teaching life experiences through the game. the thing you should look at it is my kid a better person from what they have been taught through the season. and by the way the coach can only teach the kids what they are supposed to do if they dont execute what is taught the coach must try to find someone that will, so is that an embarasment to the kids

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Post by favabeans »

I agree with fastpitch. There are always people in the stands that think they know better than the coach. As parents and fans we have to back our coaches, not belittle them, scream at them during games and question everything they do. If they thinks things are hard on their kids at jr high level, wait until high school!! My oldest has had the whole team kicked out of practice, a coach just throw down a clip board and just sit back and watch for the rest of the game AND have a coach cry afterwards. Does she come home and complain about it? No, she goes to practice the next day and works her butt off the make herself better. Coaches can be the best coach in the whole world, but if the kids aren't willing to leave it all on the floor, than they shouldn't be out there.

The talks at practice about the game they lost clears the air and gives the girls something to think about. You can't fix something if you don't know what's broken. The coach is trying to figure out a way to motivate the team and make them want it. My kids do not like a coach that has no passion for the games they play.

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Post by Jeep-ster »

This is to clarify some misinformation flying around Webster town. T. Crall has NOT posted on this web site! I am posting this on her behalf. If anyone wishes to talk with her, see her at a ballgame. She is and will continue to be a friend of the coach. So whoever is spreading gossip needs TO STOP!

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