VA Tech waters down FSU's victory over Miami

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VA Tech waters down FSU's victory over Miami

Post by zebra77 »

The Hokies win today sort of watered down FSU's win last week, what say you CFB fans?

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Fools Gold
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Re: VA Tech waters down FSU's victory over Miami

Post by Fools Gold »

Dosen't matter, fsu is kicking everyones butt! It's fsu and bama's to lose now.And Manzell may very well match griffin's two straight heismans.

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Re: VA Tech waters down FSU's victory over Miami

Post by ACCBiggz »

It didn't. At all. For a couple of reasons:

1. Most importantly, everyone didn't really believe Miami was the #7 team. They earned the ranking by not losing, but no one believed they'd be there long-term.

2. Duke Johnson's injury. He was their offense. Without him they were going to struggle on the offensive side of the ball, and then with the special team mistakes early in the game it completely altered the game. Putting even more pressure on a mediocre, at best, Morris. If you watched Miami, you know how important Johnson was to their success. Just look at how he did against FSU.

3. Knowledgeable CFB fans know how teams like Miami can put everything into their "big" game, lose and then just fall apart. Buckeye fans should know, see: Northwestern. OSU's win over the Wildcats hasn't been diminished either. It's just how the emotional aspect of these big games work.

4. Lastly, it doesn't diminish the win due to how FSU won. That was what was impressive about it. Not that they won, or the margin.

For me, personally, I called the VT win as soon as Johnson went down. Then after being demoralized by the FSU result it should have been even more obvious. But yeah, they aren't the same team w/o Johnson. He was the cog that made the offense went. The play action pass was built off of his success.

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