2010-2011 NBA Finals

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by JChipwood »

Tides will turn....Cuban was one of the most hated men in sports just 2-3 years ago and he easily has the biggest ego and "i"m better than you attitude" than anyone on the planet. Same with Randy Moss, Dirk and Kobe but people have found a way to root for them, not because they changed their ways but because people have accepted that they are who they are and root for them anyway. Heck people even root for Ray Lewis and Ricky Williams now. lol Sports is like life, full of people from different walks of life and with different mindsets.

Not defending James but c'mon who didn't see him leaving Cleveland?? Better yet when during the 16 month fiasco did he say he was staying?? He was consistant in NEVER saying he would be back. It doesn't make the "decision tv show" right but it promoted Lebron and ESPN made a HUGE contribution to both Lebron and the charity to have airing rights for that scripted hour. I blame ESPN more for the show than I do Lebron, it was their idea and their script in a time when the sports world dies (early July) unless you want highlights of homeruns or diving stops.

Glad to see Kidd get a ring finally!

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by Charge »

LeBron wanted the show for attention and now he is getting attention for choking and don't want it. You can't have it both ways. Did ESPN tell him to say he was going to win 7 championships? Did ESPN tell him to talk about himself in the 3rd person? Did they tell him to refer to himself as the Chosen One and King? I don't hate anyone but he is a little to full of himself for me. So yes I did enjoy him choking in the finals. Maybe the Frozen One will come down off his high horse now and just play basketball and people will actually like him again.

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by Rebels on 3 »

So gahs why havent you made a commit about Dashawn Stevenson Mavs player that just got arrested in Texas for public intox. You need to quit calling LeBron a thug and pay attention to the real thugs in the NBA that break real rules not ones that you made up in your fake world. Also to say he is not the most popular athlete in the world is just crazy. LeBron is the only athlete in the world that is talked about daily. Even you gahs talk about him everyday of your life. If I disliked a player that much I would have much to say about him. I hate Paul Pierce and I never talk about him. I think you like LeBron but just want to be like everyone else. A HATER for childlike reasons who cares if he left Cleveland get over it. As long as you talk about LeBron and you watch Lebron guess what thats makes you? A LeBron supporter.

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by Rebels on 3 »

How can you say your a better man than a man you have never met. You drop to the level that you say LBJ is at by calling him a punk or a so called thug. You cant judge a person that you have never even had a conversation with. At the end of the day no matter how much people hate LBJ he's going to make his millions

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by mister b »

I don't hate LBJ but I did enjoy him not getting a title this season.

I don't blame him for leaving Cleveland but I did find a lot of fault in how he went about doing it on live tv. Because of how he handled "The Decision" is why a lot of folks take pleasure in seeing the Heat lose. Also, add in the how the Big 3 were introduced to South Beach and LBJ's own comment of winning "...not 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6..." titles didn't set well with most folks.

The Heat should win at least 1 title with the Big 3. However, they still need some better supporting cast members to do it and there isn't the room in their salary schedules to do it. Now I ask, which one of the Big 3 will restructure his contract to free up some cash to sign some cast members?

The Heat will have to wait at least 1 more year for their title that they think they are owed. Some of them need to get into the gym and find their game that can last all 4 quarters against good teams in the playoffs.

A-Rod is still viewed as a big choke in New York because he has a bad habit of not showing up during the playoffs even though he finally got a championship ring. Jeter is a God and gets cut a lot of slack during the season because he is clutch during the playoffs and has the rings to show for it.

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by gymrat88 »

gahs4ever wrote:You sir, are living in denial! There are plenty of prima donna pro athletes in all sports who break the laws of the land and many have paid for their transgressions in jail time; the most recent being Burress, but NONE OF THEM keep their mugs in the face of the press every single day with their constant rantings. If you think this off season is going to be one where you never hear anything controversial out of James until October, you are the one living in a "fake world."

And since you can neither read, nor comprehend English because you still think this is about him leaving Cleveland, you will always arrive at wrong conclusions as to why increasing numbers of people in this country (and not just me) delight in seeing him embarrass himself and fall flat on his face.....again. Even the talking heads admit that the reason this was one of the most watched NBA finals of all time was because of people who wanted to see him fail, and they were rewarded.

Even in defeat he couldnt keep his big mouth shut about us "little people living our mundane lives" but at least someone must have got to him and convinced him that an apology was in order and he did. But did he apologize because he was sorry for what he said or sorry for what it might do to his already tarnished image.

You dont have to drive 100 mph or take a gun into a night club and shoot yourself in the leg to get people to dislike you. James crime is one of ego and entitlement. I dont care if he scores 50000 points and wins 10 rings, he is not a better man than me, and the fact that he thinks he is is the biggest reason why I cant stand him. He thinks he can say anything and do anything and if people dont like it....well thats just too bad. His attitude reminds me of Charles Barkely who once said he is not a role model. What he should have said is he was not a GOOD role model. Unfortunately foolish people in this country put common men on pedestals they dont deserve to be put on and then are surprised when they arent appreciated.

The good people of Cleveland dont need me talking for them, but all they are guilty of is worshipping a man-child who was put on the highest pedestal of all before he even turned 21. They believed everything he told them and loved him as one of their own, and their reward was to see him not only leave without warning, but trash that very city ever since he left. His perogative, but then he shouldnt be surprised when people turned on him. The opposite extreme of complete love is complete hate. They now hate him as much as they ever loved him.

Lebron is a thug
Lebron is a thug
Lebron is a thug
Lebron is a thug
Lebron is a thug
You gahs, are the immature one, not James. YOU are the one who comes on this forum and calls him a thug when you have no basis for using the word. Do you even understand the meaning of the term thug? I'm sure you do, but you obviously don't know how to use it. YOU are the one who calls him an idiot, when if you look at where he came from and where he is now, I would consider him a genious. YOU are the one who talked about "little people living our mundane lives", James said no such thing. The only reason you interpret it like that is because you are a hater, and anything that ever comes out of his mouth will be twisted by you. My father told me when I was a kid when I used to get upset over sports teams losing that he would "still have to go to work tomorrow", which is basically what James was saying: just because the Heat lost that doesn't fix any of the problems in your life. YOU are the one living in fantasy land because you obviously for some strange reason have some kind of false hope of pro athletes being selfless, and that James is the only athlete who commits selfish acts. I hope it makes you feel like a big man scoffing and delighting at the failure of others. That looks and sounds pretty immature to me.

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by Golfer101 »

I don't think the Heat will ever win a championship because they don't have team players. Basketball is a team sport and until James learns that," the Heat will never win". With James it is always 'I" or "ME" not we. Sometimes it is "ME and D WADE". He doesn't even include Bosh. I think James and Wade both have too big of egos to coexist. I think this will become old very quick to the rest of the team. They will get tired of being treated like they don't exist and show the big two how many games they can win without a team. I used to like James as a player but after how he has acted over the last year, I just don't care for him or the Heat. I think Dirk said it best "VERY IMMATURE AND IGNORANT" !

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by Rebels on 3 »

For one Me and gymratt are not the same people we just have similar views. You are the only person on here that get personal on calling a man bad names that you have never met. Yeah there are some people on here that dont like LeBron but they dont take it as far as you do. You would think that the man took something from you by the way you talk about him. Let me give you a list of thugs. Ray Lewis (murder case), Michael Vick(dog fighting),Ricky Williams(drug problems)Dashawn Stevenson(several arrest) Chris Weber(drug charges) Allen Iverson( drug charges) James Worthy( drug charges). Now tell me this, does LeBron sound like a thug now?

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by gymrat88 »

gahs4ever wrote:I believe gymratt and rebels on 3 are either one and the same person or they are Siamese twins joined at the hips. Neither can read or omprehend what they are reading.

For rebels, go back and have somebody read my post to you. I never said I am a better man than James. I said HE is not a better man than me.

And to gymratt, who apparently reads selectively and interprets as he wants to, Go read my post below the Lebron is a thug post where I said I post as I do to be controversial (which makes people like you and him respond as you do) and also to push your buttons because your buttons are easy to push.

As long as you keep ranting on me (who YOU have never met), I will continue to push buttons.
gahs- I have never met Rebels on 3 nor do I know who he is or anything about him other than he is from South Gallia. Like Rebels said just because we have similar views doesn't mean anything, and as far as my reading comprehension, I am a very proficient reader. I don't post on every little comment you make because I don't disagree with all of it, and therefore don't feel a need to respond to it. But what I do feel a need to respond to is the mindless bashing of somebody that you and other haters want to take part in. I'm not responding to your little 5 sentence rant that says "LeBron is a thug", I'm responding to the fact that nearly every time you post about him you have to get in a little personal jab at him. If you don't mean it, then don't post it.

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by superblue »

Breaking news from Cleveland...."King James is not a Choker, he is a QUITTER"......LOL.....

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by Rebels on 3 »

Even though it’s still very early in his career, many would already consider Lebron James to be the greatest player in the NBA.

However, is it possible that, by his career’s end, Lebron will be the greatest player of all time?

Let’s take a look at the numbers and see what James will have to do to be considered the greatest ever to play the game.

Let’s start by looking at the current stats of the greatest player in basketball history, Michael Jordan.

Jordan boasts career numbers of 30.1 PTS, 6.2 REBS, 5.3 ASTS, 2.4 STL, and 0.8 BLK per game.

In addition, we must also take into account the plethora of championships that Jordan won, as well as his defensive excellence.

Now let’s take a look at James.

This season, James is currently averaging 30.2 PTS, 8.1 REB, 7.5 AST, 2.1 STL, and 1.1 BLK per game.

While James’ career numbers are slightly lower, we must realize that he is still very young, and that if anything, his statistical production is bound to go upwards.

In that vein, we can see that James’ current stats exceed Jordan’s career averages in every category except steals, in which he is only slightly deficient.

In this respect, James is right on par with Jordan.

The areas in which James will still need to prove himself are the defensive and championship categories.

As far as defense is concerned, James is ever-improving; although Jordan’s Defensive Player of the Year Awards are a tough act to follow.

Also, we must keep in mind that Jordan didn’t begin his career as a defensive stalwart either, and that he too went through a similar progression.

As far as the championships are concerned, James made it to the NBA Finals last year with much less help than Jordan ever had throughout his tenure with the Bulls.

This would lead us to believe that James can potentially reach the same heights with a slightly better unit to work with.

At this point in time, is Lebron James the greatest player of all time?


Will James one day surpass Jordan as the greatest basketball player of all time?

I never thought I’d be able to say this about any human being, but yes, it is very, very possible.

This is from bleacherreport.com from the last year LeBron was in Cleveland.

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by bdubya »

Jordan will always be the greatest. Coming from a Dukie about a Carolina guy.

Jordan couldn't be stopped, accomplished the bulk of his career in a cold city (Chicago) and won six rings, numerous MVPs and numerous defensive awards with the team that drafted him. He needed help, but he was always the man in the clutch. Also, Jordan never lost in the NBA Finals.

In fact, Why stop at just Jordan. If LeBron is all about the rings, then he needs to get his butt in gear if he is gonna catch Bill Russell — also arguably the best player in NBA history. Wilt Chamberlain and Oscar Robertson were pretty good if you just go by statistics — and they have a case for that title as well.

Technically, Kobe Bryant is closer to MJs throne than LeBron — and will be for at least four more years ... a ring for each season that LeBron is behind.

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by Rebels on 3 »

bdubya wrote:Jordan will always be the greatest. Coming from a Dukie about a Carolina guy.

Jordan couldn't be stopped, accomplished the bulk of his career in a cold city (Chicago) and won six rings, numerous MVPs and numerous defensive awards with the team that drafted him. He needed help, but he was always the man in the clutch. Also, Jordan never lost in the NBA Finals.

In fact, Why stop at just Jordan. If LeBron is all about the rings, then he needs to get his butt in gear if he is gonna catch Bill Russell — also arguably the best player in NBA history. Wilt Chamberlain and Oscar Robertson were pretty good if you just go by statistics — and they have a case for that title as well.

Technically, Kobe Bryant is closer to MJs throne than LeBron — and will be for at least four more years ... a ring for each season that LeBron is behind.
Ok I wont go against you on the Jordan LeBron thing but Kobe being closer than Lebron, I cant agree. Only thing Kobe has over LeBron is rings and thats it. LeBron is a better defender, rebounder, passer and they are about equal in scoring. LeBron at this piont in his career and way above what Kobe was at the same point in stats.

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by Charge »

Lets compare LeBron, who hasn't won a championship in 8 years to Rick Barry who won a championship in his 8th season without another superstar on his Goldenstate Warriors team.
8th Regular Season LeBron- GP-79, GS-79, MPG-38.8, FG%.510, 3P%-.330, FT%-.759, RPG-7.5, APG-7.0, SPG-1.6, BPG-.6, PPG-26.7
8th Regular Season Barry- GP-80, GS- 80, MPG-40.4, FG%-.464, 3P%-didn't have, FT%-.904, RPG-5.7, APG-6.2, SPG-2.9, BPG-.4, PPG-30.6
8th Season Playoffs LeBron-GP-21 GS-21, MPG-43.9, FG%-.466, 3P%-.353, FT%-.763, RPG-8.4, APG-5.9, SPG-1.7, BPG-1.2, PPG-23.7
8th Season Playoffs Barry-GP-17, GS-17, MPG-42.7, FG%-.444, 3P%-NA, FT%-.918, RPG-5.5, APG-6.1, SPG-2.94, BPG-.88, PPG-28.2
Rick Barry and the Warriors swept the Washington Bullets to win the NBA Championship. LeBron is far from the greatest player. Barry had better stats and won a championship in is 8th season with no help, so Barry would rank above LeBron after both have played 8 seasons. Barry would have had even more points had there been a 3 point line. Rebels on 3 you need to learn a little basketball history before making such dumb statements. I realize you are probably about 17 and haven't watched much basketball other then LeBron and Kobie.

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by bdubya »

Rebels on 3 wrote: Ok I wont go against you on the Jordan LeBron thing but Kobe being closer than Lebron, I cant agree. Only thing Kobe has over LeBron is rings and thats it. LeBron is a better defender, rebounder, passer and they are about equal in scoring. LeBron at this piont in his career and way above what Kobe was at the same point in stats.
Kobe is a nine-time first-team All-NBA defender. LeBron has only won it three times.

BTW, Jordan was a nine-time first-team All-NBA defender.

Again, Kobe's throne — and King Nothing is left looking up for at least four more years.

Heck, Tim Duncan (four rings and an eight-time first-team All-NBA defender with one team) is closer to MJs throne than LeBron.

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals


Lebron has to learn that if he wants to be considered with the greatest player's of all time he can't just turn it off and on when he wants to. He has to leave it on, especially in critical times in championship series. These last couple years he's completely disappeared in the 4th quarter of many playoff games. Is he getting tired, are his legs gone during crunch time ? Who knows, but he'd better earn a little of his enormous salary and win a championship before he can be considered with the all-timer's IMO. He's with the best team money can buy right now and they couldn't get it done. A lot of the perennial all-stars and champions of the past didn't have as much help as he's got now.

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by Charge »

I heard several announcers making the excuse for LeBron about being tired and playing too many minutes but wait Rick Barry played 40.4 minutes a game in his 8th season to LeBron's 38.8 minutes a game in his 8th season. There goes that excuse because Barry won a championship and never had any problem scoring in the 4th quarter.

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by bdubya »

Correction, Kobe has five rings. My bad.

I guess it's five years now ... at least.

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by Super trooper »

Can we all agree that the Heat will most likely represent the East in the finals again next year. The law of averages tells you that LeBron will luck into one eventually

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Re: 2010-2011 NBA Finals

Post by TribeManiac10 »

Super Trooper wrote:Can we all agree that the Heat will most likely represent the East in the finals again next year. The law of averages tells you that LeBron will luck into one eventually
Yes the Heat are the favorites again unless the Knicks, Bulls, or Magic can work some magic in free agency. I think Miami will be looking to move some pieces as well this summer since they have little to work with in this draft.

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