2023 Player Spotlight with Trey Rochelle from the Columbus East Tigers

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2023 Player Spotlight with Trey Rochelle from the Columbus East Tigers


Name Trey Rochelle


Class 2025

Positions played Fs/QB/WR/Athlete

What is the best part of playing for Coach Bell?
The best part of playing for coach bell is the mentorship he not only tries to make you a great football player but a man and human in society.

What shocked you the most about the 2022 season?
What shocked me the most was the amount of great athletes we had and what we can do and what we did when we brought it all together.

The East Tigers had an amazing season in 2002. What will it take to have a better one in 2023?
What will make the 23 season better I think its cause of the number of young athletes we have I feel like we have an a-lot of talent probably even more than last year.

Which side of the ball do you enjoy playing the most?
I like playing defense the most.

What was it like playing in that second-round playoff game with such a large crowd on both sides of the field?
It was crazy I, didn’t know we had that many people supporting us.

Who was the best team you guys faced last season, and what made them so good?
There really was no best team cause everyone we played had some great athletes but at the end of the day it was really just us vs us out there

Of all the road games you have played, which stadium is the toughest to play at, and why?
Mifflin, I think their field is so uneven and lopsided.

Where do you think the state finals should be played?
The Horseshoe.

What are your thoughts on 16 teams from each region making the playoffs?
No thoughts really if they made it they obviously deserved it.

What is the most challenging part of playing high school football, along with the most rewarding part of playing?
There really wasn’t no toughest part for me cause I’m really just playing the game I love but the most rewarding part was definitely the brotherhood and the experience in itself.

What were you able to learn about yourself that you will put to use this season to make you even more dominant this year?
I learned that coaches love that outgoing personality but there's a time to play and a time to work and I learn how to code-switch that and to be resilient.

What are you most looking forward to this season?
Playing alongside my brothers again.

What is your favorite class?
My favorite class is probably geometry just because when I do math work I actually feel like I gotta figure something out

Where is your dream vacation spot?
Probably Japan they got all types of crazy stuff down there.

Who is your favorite pro football team?
Imma Steelers fan.

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