2023 Player Spotlight/Interview with Isaac “Spike” Sowells (Big-Time Recruit) from Louisville Male High School

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2023 Player Spotlight/Interview with Isaac “Spike” Sowells (Big-Time Recruit) from Louisville Male High School


Name Isaac “Spike” Sowells

Louisville Male High School

Class 2025

Positions played Center

What are your personal goals for the season, as well as some goals you have set for your team?

My personal goal this season is to get twice the amount of pancakes as I did last season and get about 120. My team goal is to finally finish the job winning a state championship after falling 4 times straight.

What do you believe are the three top things you have to improve on this season to get better on the field and show college coaches that you are the real deal?

More discipline with my footwork in run and pass pro

Accelerate through contact on linebackers in the run game

Violent punch on defenders in Pass pro.

In watching some of your HUDL highlights, you seem to be able to hold your blocks for a very long time and then pancake the guy you are blocking. What goes into this to make it look so easy?

My longer arms help me so when engaged with my defenders make it easy for me to move them with free will.

What were the highs and lows of the 2022 season?

Some highs of the season were when we beat the 1# team in the state St. X and then went to Ballard and pulled off an amazing win. A low of the season was at the end losing by 1 point off a Philly special.

Staying with the high and low theme What have been the highs and lows of your time on the field playing for Male?

For me a big high was starting this year since my freshman I didn’t get any playing time. Winning the old rivalry is always great and I love the tradition. A low was when we lost to Ballard this past year since Male hadn’t lost to a public school in a while.

Do you feel that you and your teammates are role models for the younger kids who come and watch you play?

I feel like we are great role models. Just talking on the topic of me since I play the O-line position I feel I give the young O-linemen hope. You always see the d1 skill guys and Selah/Woo for D-line but for O-linemen there’s none. In fact, at the time Wolfe’s been a coach I’m his first offensive lineman to receive a Power 5 offer which is an honor.

Who is the best player you have faced, along with the team he played for, and what made him so tough?

The best player who I’ve ever gone against is a tie for me. It’s between Selah Brown(Louisville) and William Woo Spencer(Louisville Commit) who were actually both my teammates. The thing that made them so good was Selah's speed and his bend, then Woo's power.

Who has the best team you have ever faced, and what made them so good?

The best team I’ve faced was last year's St. X team. They were so good because their defense was so sound and the slanting made them even more harder to game-plan for.

Who is the one team you most want to beat this season, and why?

Fredrick Douglass. They are the biggest hyped team in the state and their moving to 6a makes it even better.

Have you heard from any college coaches, and if so, could you name some of the schools?

Offers: -Louisville -Kentucky -Bethune-Cookman -EKU -Indiana State Interest -Coach Teasley: South Carolina -Coach Frye: Ohio State -Coach Trautwien: Penn State Florida, Georgia, Notre Dame, Cincinnati, West Virginia, Wake Forest, Oklahoma

Where should the state finals be played?

I think Kroger Field is perfect.

What goes on your perfect pizza?

For me, I’m just a straight cheese guy.

Where do you go first to get your sports news?

Usually Adam Schefter



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