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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by 55buckeyes98 »

LCL did not reject them. LCL commissioner made proposals to the superintendents and they voted not to expand at this time. In an ideal world maybe the LCL could get Liberty Union and Logan could take their spot in the MSL. Why does the OCC not want Logan?

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by loganlocos »

55buckeyes98 wrote:LCL did not reject them. LCL commissioner made proposals to the superintendents and they voted not to expand at this time. In an ideal world maybe the LCL could get Liberty Union and Logan could take their spot in the MSL. Why does the OCC not want Logan?
OCC is a "270" league. The farther you are from 270, the least likely they are to want you.

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by Chieftain Fan »

Paladin's comments are his and not shared by most Chieftain fans . The true fact is this was a thread about a school applying for admission to a league to offer their students the value of competing for league titles and individual honor. From what I know The Chieftains ( Coaches, teams and fans ) Respect their opponents and do not have the almighty thought of people fearing playing them. I'm getting a little tired of someone being the voice that cause hatred to the Chiefs . Good luck to the Chiefs , Warriors and Ironmen in holding on and working for the betterment of their Students.

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by Orange and Brown »

Changing quotes or making up quotes will not be tolerated on this site.

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by Jim Ryan »

Chieftain Fan wrote:Paladin's comments are his and not shared by most Chieftain fans . The true fact is this was a thread about a school applying for admission to a league to offer their students the value of competing for league titles and individual honor. From what I know The Chieftains ( Coaches, teams and fans ) Respect their opponents and do not have the almighty thought of people fearing playing them. I'm getting a little tired of someone being the voice that cause hatred to the Chiefs . Good luck to the Chiefs , Warriors and Ironmen in holding on and working for the betterment of their Students.
I'm glad to see that not all Logan posters support his nonsense and is willing to say that on here. Thank you for standing up for Logan and letting people know you don't like him giving the school a bad name. Good luck to Logan on finding a league or revamping the SEOAL.

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by Logangrad »

I was on JJ Huddle going back to 2000; and I have been viewing or posting on this site since the beginning; but although I dont think he's a bad guy and I am in no way a supporter of him or his opinions. Logan is not St Ingnatius or Collerain or anyone of that caliber and nobody thinks they are going to just show up and win 10 games year in and year out. The bottom line is people got spoiled and blinded by a lot of wins for a long time and that is no longer the case. We all know (or should know) these things all work in cycles but every now and again a school gets those "once in a lifetime:" type of classes and Logan had a few more than most since 1999. But alot of the schools they used to pound on, got their classes as well but now I think its just not the same way in this area. Anyone can beat anyone each week and you really need to develop your talent to stay ahead of the curve. Look at Warren; 9 coaches since what?; 2000? Thats not going to make you a stable and competitive program no matter the talent level nor is it going to allow kids to want to play when you dont know if a guy is going to stick around. Anyway; I think 90% of Logan fans know who we are and what we are capable of and they dont proclaim to think we are the St X of the Southeast or something. We have to play solid football week in and week out to win games.

Now at the topic at hand; who the hell knows now what??? There seems to be zero openings coming soon in the MSL or a puzzle that would show itself that would allow Logan to put its piece in and become a member. There seems to be a HUGE misconception about Logan's dominance and location honestly. Outside of 270 people think we are on the other side of the moon and people near us think we have 3000 kids or something. I heard a guy from St Charles tell his son after the kid said at a Logan home basketball game "Dad wow there are a ton of people here!!" Yeah son there is nothing else to do here, the whole town is here!" Really?? And another gentleman from Circleville say "we cant play Logan in football they have 100 kids on the team!" We do???? If we have had more than 60 in 5 years I will buy that guy a hat. We are really being misrepresented by misinformation imo. We can be in downtown columbus in a hour with the bypass and there wasnt one trip to Logan from the LCL schools that would have been longer than 55 mins. I have no idea where we go from here but we continue to play the likes of both MSL and LCL opponents in all sports so why they feel we cant be allowed to compete for league titles with those opponents makes zero sense to me.

End rant. ;)
Last edited by Logangrad on Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by Paladin »

My username is spelled PALADIN. If it is spelled any other way, its not me.

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by bman »

Logan would be a great addition to the MSL-Buckeye, but there is really no where for Liberty Union to go right now. The Ohio makes no sense and the Cardinal is full.

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by Logangrad »

The Buckeye is the most logical spot for Logan. Amanda CC should be put with Berne Union, FC and the other smaller schools imo. Logan currently plays 6 of the 8 teams in that division in several sports right now. Why not let them in and make it a very competitive division in all sports?

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by The Exile »

AC is a Division 4 football school, Division 2/3 borderline in other sports (2 in some, 3 in others). They will not be going to the Cardinal Division with Division 7 football, Division 4 other sports schools. Liberty Union would make way more sense to return to the Cardinal, but as bman says likely will not.
AC has struggled in some sports in the Buckeye (boys b-ball nearly the entire time, baseball, football a bit lately), but done well in others historically, particularly girls sports. They also have a long history/rivalry with schools like FU, LE, BC, Circleville, and are roughly the same size as those schools (a bit smaller, but not substantially so).
I personally don't mind the idea of Logan in the MSL-B, but it would essentially be a move to appease (assuming they even want this) the two big schools (TV, HT). Geographically Logan is a pretty nice fit for the smaller MSL-B schools, but is much larger than any of those schools. I realize size isn't the only thing, but it is a consideration for what is really now a majority Div. 4 football, 2/3 other sports league.

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by Falcon01 »

I came over here hoping to find you guys talking about this. we were talking about it over on the msl forum, and some guys had some really cool ideas for how to move teams around and make it work. I personally don't want to lose amanda because of the long rivalry with FU, but one of the ideas was multiple divions with 6 teams then you have a couple games vs teams from other divisions. In FU's case, set it up where you always get AC. A poster said Liberty wanted to be moved to another division with schools closer to its size but the AD was saying no way because of the loss in money.

Logan in the buckeye almost makes too much sense.. it seems like the easy choice. Smeltzy was saying FU's AD was in favor of logan.

as far as size, Logan was ALMOST in the LCL.
Logan would have been the Biggest school in the division. By almost 300 (Logan has 467 boys) over 4 schools, Utica(168 boys), Heath(189), NC (101), Northridge (179)
the 2nd biggest school is Watkins at 418
3rd biggest is Licking Heights at 366
Granville has 308, Licking Valley 238, and Johnstown 200

Compare this to the MSL buckeye and I'll keep the current teas in there though I think we are all in agreement AC or LU would be moving divisions.. anyway
Again Logan has 467
Logan would be around 300 bigger than AC(190) and LU (178)
the 2nd biggest would be Teays at 441 boys
the 3rd biggest would be Hamilton at 340 boys
Fu is at 244, BC at 242, Logan Elm at 231, and Cville at 227

So by average numbers of boys, The LCL Average without Logan has 2,167 boys (241 average size)- 9 schools without Logan
Add Logan to the LCL and the Average goes up to 263, a 22 boy jump---- thats 10 schools WITH Logan

MSL without Logan has 2093 boys (262 average size) - 8 Schools without Logan
Add Logan to the MSL and the average goes up to 284, a 22 boys jump.

So the MSL size wize gives them the most schools closer to their size. NC really hurts the LCL size being a small private school. But if logan joined LCL and they lost 1, you'd imagine it'd be northridge joining into MSL expansion, so they'd keep NC but lose the 3rd smallest school. Where as If Logan joined the MSL and a team left, it'd likely be LU and they are the smallest school. SO the numbers average wise would go up more for the MSL, about the same if it was AC instead of LU.

Logistics wise, of course the MSL makes sense. On the mslforum we were talking about this too and smeltzy brought up Hamilton may not want to travel all the way to logan. BUT with the new bypass, Logan is only 5 minutes further than HT traveling to FU. Being able to bypass all of lancaster completely changes that.

Logan also has a great fan base.. loved going to Logan games at the old schools and there is always purple wherever you guys go on the road. Plus in forums like this, you guys are everywhere too. So it'd be an awesome addition to the MSL and I wish they'd just make it happen.

SHOULD BE NOTED... this was just my opinion and I used the numbers in one way. I would assume they can be used other ways as well. So don't crush me for it, if you see a different way of doing it!

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by Falcon01 »

Only other thing I should have added, was where Logan was coming from, the SEAOL, BUT I can't even keep up with who's still in it and who's not.. So I didn't add that in..

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by Falcon01 »

loganlocos wrote:Don't be surprised if the LCL "Big School" division is revisited OUTSIDE of the LCL.

I think you might see Watkins, LHeights, Logan, and Zanesville all reach out to schools like Newark, Tri-Valley, Marietta, and maybe even Warren. Sheridan could be a possibility as well. Maybe even Lancaster.

A group of six out of those schools could start something like an "Eastern Metro" league.

Could you imagine being Warren though and making those trips... YUCK. Other than football and maybe a few BIG bball games, gotta figure they'd have next to no fan support on the road and surely those northern schools aren't driving down to the river.
90 miles from Watkins to Warren
98 miles to LH
those are nearly two hour bus rides... at least.

for marietta
112 miles to LH
103 miles to Watkins..

imagine if you had to make 2 or 3 of those in one week in basebal/softball

that just seems like too much to me.

Rest of those I could see though. Lancaster is intriguing.. they aren't doing much competitively outside of football, wrestling, and track(i don't thnk)
Tri Valley absolutely has to think about moving to something like this or the OCC. They are in a spot now where 1 football loss could mean not making the playoffs.. getting killed by the smaller schools
I know very little about Newark though, so don't want to even make assumptions there.
Sheridan I don't see ever leaving the MVL unless NL goes too. I just don't see those two splitting up or the core of the MVL at all. Other than TV and i do think Crooksville is dumb not to try to join the TVC.

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by Philos_Finest »

Tri-Valley has had MULTIPLE invitations from other leagues(ECOL,LCL, etc.) & has declined every time without even sniffing at the chance to leave. They're not going anywhere. The same can be said about the Perry County schools(New Lex, Sheridan & Crooksville).

The only movement you're going to see out of the MVL is by adding 1 school or 3 schools. Which, both scenarios were voted on earlier this year & both of the those options were declined even though there were schools who had been invited.

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by Orange and Brown »

Falcon01 wrote:
loganlocos wrote:Don't be surprised if the LCL "Big School" division is revisited OUTSIDE of the LCL.

I think you might see Watkins, LHeights, Logan, and Zanesville all reach out to schools like Newark, Tri-Valley, Marietta, and maybe even Warren. Sheridan could be a possibility as well. Maybe even Lancaster.

A group of six out of those schools could start something like an "Eastern Metro" league.

Could you imagine being Warren though and making those trips... YUCK. Other than football and maybe a few BIG bball games, gotta figure they'd have next to no fan support on the road and surely those northern schools aren't driving down to the river.
90 miles from Watkins to Warren
98 miles to LH
those are nearly two hour bus rides... at least.

for marietta
112 miles to LH
103 miles to Watkins..

imagine if you had to make 2 or 3 of those in one week in basebal/softball

that just seems like too much to me.

Rest of those I could see though. Lancaster is intriguing.. they aren't doing much competitively outside of football, wrestling, and track(i don't thnk)
Tri Valley absolutely has to think about moving to something like this or the OCC. They are in a spot now where 1 football loss could mean not making the playoffs.. getting killed by the smaller schools
I know very little about Newark though, so don't want to even make assumptions there.
Sheridan I don't see ever leaving the MVL unless NL goes too. I just don't see those two splitting up or the core of the MVL at all. Other than TV and i do think Crooksville is dumb not to try to join the TVC.

If Crooksville doesn't want to be in the TVC that's their right. If the school, community, and kids want to be in the MVL then they should be in the MVL.
They only have to schedule 2 non league games for football and most of their league games are very close to home.
I'm sure the community members would just love to trade that in for trips to River Valley, Meigs, and Wellston.

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by loganlocos »

Philos_Finest wrote:Tri-Valley has had MULTIPLE invitations from other leagues(ECOL,LCL, etc.) & has declined every time without even sniffing at the chance to leave. They're not going anywhere. The same can be said about the Perry County schools(New Lex, Sheridan & Crooksville).

The only movement you're going to see out of the MVL is by adding 1 school or 3 schools. Which, both scenarios were voted on earlier this year & both of the those options were declined even though there were schools who had been invited.
I agree with this completely. I have said over and over again that I'll believe ANYONE leaves the MVL when it actually happens.

I said some of those schools may reach out to Tri-Valley, not that Tri-Valley would be interested themselves.

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by Falcon01 »

I agree that no Mvl school leaves. But do believe TV and crooksville would be the 2 Imo that make the most sense to go elsewhere.

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Crooksville has a nice setup in the MVL. While they are the smallest school by far, all conference teams are within a short drive. If Crooksville ever wanted to leave the MVL, I think they would have options. The TVC and MSL would be natural fits with similar sized schools. However, Crooksville would have much longer road trips in either the MSL or the TVC than they currently have in the MVL. Isn't travel distance one thing that is destroying conferences right now? The MVL, like the TVC, has a nice setup where all schools are within a reasonable distance of each other. While Crooksville might earn fewer conference championships overall in the MVL with the larger schools, the argument can be made that playing the larger schools is a benefit come tournament time in the various sports. Crooksville doesn't mind being the smallest school in the MVL much as Nelsonville-York doesn't mind being the smallest school in the TVC OHIO.

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by The Exile »

Agree that Logan fits better in many ways in the MSL than the LCL, but no one that I have seen has addressed a key question I had : do schools with <250 boys want to add another school with over 400? More importantly a school with a track record of winning consistently (unlike TV and HT). And some have mentioned LU not wanting to move. I am from the AC community and can tell you they would balk at any move to put them in the Cardinal, or with mostly Cardinal schools. The community thought they had outgrown that 25 years ago. Despite a bit of a downturn in recent years, football still rules the roost, and they don't want to play millersport or Berne anymore. Berne was one of our big rivalries when I was in school, now they don't play and havent in 15 years. They routinely hung 50+ on MP in the late 80s. People haven't forgotten and don't want to go back to that. AC likes being a smaller fish in a big pond, at least in football. And yes that is even in light of recent struggles.
If a realignment that keeps AC with many of the current Buckeye teams occurs, I can see that. People seem to look at AC and LU as the smaller outliers, but really TV and HT are big outliers comparatively. If they joined with Logan, Bexley, Whitehall (the biggest schools in the MSL-ohio) and someone else, I could see that, leaving the MSL-B with the other 6. Just spitballing.
One last issue: do the Cardinal schools want bigger schools with them? Look at who they just added (rosecrans and wellington).

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Re: Logan applies to the Licking County League

Post by Falcon01 »

When I first thought of Cville in the TVC, I obviously assumed the hocking division.. and with cville so close to st. rt. 13 and on 93... I figured the trips probably wouldn't be too bad. But after looking them up.. yeah probably doesn't make much sense. Those small 2 lane highways make for some long trips to Gallia, Wahama, Racine and so on...
Competitively, it still makes the most sense but definitely not travel wise.

one interesting thing about a small school division in the msl, would be that rosecrans will already be in it, so that would give them one short "normal" trip for them. Lancaster isn't a bad trip so they'd have FC, FCA, Berne right there, maybe liberty or amanda if the league dropped one.

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