Ponitz Tech Golden Panthers 43 Gamble Montessori Gators 12

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Ponitz Tech Golden Panthers 43 Gamble Montessori Gators 12


Yesterday afternoon I ventured to Dayton to take in the game between division three Ponitz Career Tech and division seven Gamble Montessori. Ponitz Tech is in the mist of their best season in school history under head coach,Jim Place. The Gators, from Gamble Montessori came limping in, on a three game losing streak against all bigger schools.

Things got started off pretty good for the Gators, when #77(Not on either roster I have)recovered a Golden Panthers fumble on the Gator fifteen-yard-line, with 10:15 showing on the clock. The Gators offense would go three and out, gaining just three-yards. This would be a preview of how the day would go, for the Gators.

Defense or lack of offense ruled most of the opening quarter, but with 6:13 left the Golden Panthers would get a one-yard run by,Xavier Henry to go up,6-0. The point after kick by,#43(Not on either roster I have) was good, and this was now a,7-0 game. The drive went for fifty-five-yards and totaled eight plays.

Just four seconds into the second quarter,#23(Not on either roster I have)went twenty-seven-yards to make this a,13-0 game.A two point conversion run by Henry increased the lead to,14-0. The drive totaled seven-plays and went for sixty-five-yards. The Golden Panthers had started to dominate the battle up front, making things awfully easy on their ball carriers.

The Gators, who are a run first, second and third team went to the air with 10:23 left in the half, but #21(Not on rosters) dropped a pass, that was right in his arms. This forced another punt and put an already tired defense back on the field.

With 9:08 showing on the big scoreboard, score clock Henry connected with Cameron Beavers for a forty-six-yard gain. The six play,fifty-five-yard drive would come to an end when,Jamil Freeman pranced in from thirteen-yards out, to make this a,20-0 game. Another two point conversion was successful, on a Freeman run to make this a,22-0 game.

The Gators got a big kickoff return from, #21(Not on rosters) and a fifteen-yard penalty by the Golden Panthers moved the ball to the twenty-yard line, with a little over seven minutes left in the half. From there the Gators needed just three-plays to score their first points of the game. The scoring play was a pass thrown by, Antonio Wilcox Jr. to the very talented and dangerous,Kenneth Jones II. The play covered twenty-five-yards. A two point conversion try failed, leaving this a,22-6 game,with 7:11 left in the half.

The Gators defense showed a little life with 6:01 left in the half, when Jones and #21 got to #23(Not on the rosters) for a seven-yard loss. The Gators, who dress less than 20 players have a lot of talent but the lack of depth really hurts them.

With 5:39 left in the half Henry hit Deedgar Cooks for a twenty-five-yard gain. Cooks is a mean looking 6-4-165 pound receiver, who catches anything near him.He looks like a player, who should be able to play on Saturday's at the next level and be very successful in doing so. The seven-plays,forty-four-yard drive ended on a three-yard run by Jamil Freeman, with 5:09 left in the half. A two-point conversion failed,leaving this a 28-6 game.

After the Gators offense was shut down again, the Golden Panthers offense would work a ten-plays, sixty-yard drive to make this a,36-6 game. The score came on a Henry eleven-yard pass to Cooks. A two-point conversion run by Freeman was successful. Cooks and Freeman are a dangerous combo and with a depleted defense on the field, they both look like division one stars.

The third quarter had 8:57 left, when the Gators faced a fourth and two. With the game already decided and nothing to lose the coaching staff opted to go for it. That decision was made good when, Wilcox connected with Jones, for a twenty-yard gain. Anytime Jones gets the ball with just a little room, he is one of the most dangerous players you will see. The seven-plays, seventy-three-yard drive came to a climax on a forty-four-yard catch by #21. A two point conversion run was stuffed and the score remained,36-12 Golden Panthers.

The Golden Panthers offense would go forty-one yards on seven-plays to make this a,43-12 game. The score came on Henry seven-yard run, with 4:29 left in the quarter. The point after kick by #43 was good. As a fan, who loves the kicking game, it was cool to see the Golden Panthers not only attempt kicks but make them.

The fourth quarter was a comedy of turnovers. With 10:30 left in the contest #11(Not on the rosters) from the Gators recovered a Ponitz fumble at his own fifteen-yard-line. On the ensuing drive, after a Wilcox picked up a first down, with a seven-yard gain on fourth and two, he threw a pick to end the drive.

On the third play after getting the pick, Ponitz turned the ball over on a fumble. I was unable to see who came up with the ball and the P.A. announcer as you know, if you have ever attended a high school game at Welcome Stadium seldom calls the plays, so he was no help at all.

The games final turnover came with 2:55 left in the contest, when #23 for the Golden Panthers picked off a Wilcox pass.




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Re: Ponitz Tech Golden Panthers 43 Gamble Montessori Gators 12


Was very cool to see the twitter account for Gamble Montessori like the link to hear on my twitter page.

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