2023 Player Spotlight/Interview with Malakai Hammond from Columbus Northland

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2023 Player Spotlight/Interview with Malakai Hammond from Columbus Northland


Malakai Hammond
Northland high school
Positions played

What is it like to play for Coach Sayers?
I love playing for Coach Sayers. Coach Sayers is an amazing coach. He’s always willing to make everyone better while encouraging us to get better. He treats us like we’re all his own kids. He wants to see us all succeed and he is willing to guide us to success. At the end of the day, Coach Sayers is just an overall great coach. I couldn’t ask for a better Coach.

Which side of the ball do you prefer to play along with your reason?
I prefer to play offensive line, I was just better at that position. Also just love the way it feels like the game revolves around us. Knowing that if we do our job right up front, everything else will go smoothly. Also when you have the best RB in the city, who wouldn’t love blocking for him?

In watching your HUDL highlights, one of the things I noticed was when you give ground you still won't allow the man in front of you to get behind you. What goes into not allowing that man to knock you down or get around you?
Just by knowing what my job is. I know I can’t let the D-line get to my RB or QB so I make sure they don’t. Good technique always beats brute strength.

Staying with the Hudle highlights, there were times when you seemed to play mad and just simply knock your man flat on his back. Besides brute strength, can you tell the readers some of the work you do to make that look so easy?

I do the work my coaches tell me to do. The coaches know the work that is needed and that is best to help improve my performance so I do the work they tell me to do.

What have you done during the off-season to make yourself even more dominant on the field?
I have just been putting in the work. Lifting weights, and going to the field when we don’t have practice to work on things I feel I need to improve on.

What are you most looking forward to this coming season?
I’m really looking forward to how our team performs in this coming season.

What advice are you going to give that first-year starter right before he takes the field?
Be confident in themselves and don’t get into their own head. Also, play hard.

How much time do you spend watching films and training during the season on your own?
Pretty often. Mostly on days, we don’t have practice.

Who was the best team that the Vikings went up against in 2022?
I’m going to have to give that to Walkins Memorial.

Who was the best player the Vikings faced last season, along with the team he played for and some of the things that made him so good?
East High School RB Number Two (Taz Burns)is probably the best player we faced. His raw speed plus his agility makes him a good player.

Where should the state finals be played?
Hall of Fame Stadium

What are your thoughts on 16 teams from each region making the playoffs?
I don’t mind it, that gives us a better chance for a playoff spot and to play more football.

What is your favorite class or subject?

Other than sports, what are your favorite things to do?
I like to chill, play the game, and play with my little brother.

What is one food you like that most others do not?
I don’t know, but food most people like that I don’t like is seafood.

Who is your least favorite sports team?
Cleveland Browns

(On a side note Burns has been the answer on several of the interviews I have done)

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