OVC Power Rankings

Freshman Team
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Re: OVC Power Rankings

Post by linedrive »

knightruner wrote:GoBigGrover being very quite.....after getting off the soapbox, maybe he can see the light now that Coal Grove will beat 4 nobodies. The OVC is in for a big shake up each week just watch.
So what am I "quite" of(learn to spell)? And yes I agree, the OVC can be shaken up each week. Proven last Friday night. If Ironton has trouble with Portsmouth this week, I believe this OVC is about as wide open as can get. If Ironton can beat Portsmouth handily, I believe it will be theirs to lose.

Riding the Bench
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Re: OVC Power Rankings

Post by Docw »

knightruner wrote:The Grove will end up maybe 4-6 this year. They have played 3 home games and lost all of them, sounds like Ironton. The Grove will get wins over SP, RH (maybe), Fairview and Fairland. Now that's what I call power right!!!! It would not be a big surprise if the Grove and Ironton end up with the same amount of wins. I don't see the Grove wining a home game this year.
Both Fairview and Fairland are home games, which you say they will win. But then you said they won't win a home game. So which is it?

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