(1-0) Licking Heights @ (1-0) Gallia Academy

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Re: (1-0) Licking Heights @ (1-0) Gallia Academy

Post by seoal83 »

Bigger, faster better team won. I am a big coach Eddy fan, and i have to say he had this game diagnosed correctly. Gallia had to play a ball control game and limit the possessions that licking heights had with all the athletes. This is sort of way i scene game also, but the problem was we played it a little to close to the best. And a untimely penalty and other things stopped us from scoring. if that is going to be your strategy you have to be successful on almost every drive.

The punting game obviously we could not fix in a week and still most not have an answer for. I know there will be a lot of people that will question all the rugby punts and all. but it was obvious last week that it was taking snap from long snapper way to long to reach the punter. so i agree with plan for this week but it is a problem you need to fix, hopefully by next week. if not at least put your regular punter in to rugby it.

I wish we would of passed a little more on running downs and kept them off balance. To me the game plan was a little to conservative. then once you get behind a bigger faster team we did not have much choice. to the people that say game was not as close as it looked i would totally disagree with. I think this game was a lot closer then the final score.

I thought of this game and next week games as almost bonus games after the win over Athens. Now the game next week means a little more and that is all we need to do in a ironton game is put a little more pressure on it.

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Re: (1-0) Licking Heights @ (1-0) Gallia Academy

Post by radioman »

The blue devils lost this game early, from our vantage
Point , it looked liked licking heights had scouted the blue
Spot on, they limited our run game and made 2 big plays in the first half
For almost 2 quarters this game was Played between the 30
Yard lines. Give licking heights credit, they played a very
Physical game , and allowed the speedy tailback to make some
Plays. there ability to put pressure on our qb , and put 8 men
In the box, including gaps , left the blue with limited ability to
Pass. I'm sure the coach's will after reviewing the films make
The proper adjustments and be ready for ironton! Good luck blue.

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Re: (1-0) Licking Heights @ (1-0) Gallia Academy

Post by oldbluedevil »

The academy lost this game due to 1. lack of blocking from o-line (licking valley was in our backfield more than our backs were) 2.basic excusion of hand offs ( to many bobbled exchanges and running into each other) 3.not stopping licking's big plays think about it we stop 2 plays it would have been a 7-0 game going into the third. 4. Lack of rapping up and running throught the ball carrier (kids are hitting but then stoping their feet and allowing the carrier to bounce off tackles). Lastly we were out conditioned. The good was that we were able to do a couple big gains on offense. Synopsis after first two games okay we beat Athens but Athens left the leauge after not being able to compete we lost and only scored against licking second stringe D. Unfortunatly Dosent look good next Friday at the Tank but would love to be wrong and as always go blue.

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Re: (1-0) Licking Heights @ (1-0) Gallia Academy

Post by bevo »

when you get shut out for 3 1/2 qtrs there is something wrong, ironton will be more of the same i thought the play calling was suspect is why i asked we tried to pass when we could not control the pass rush this is usually a recipe for disaster licking did a great job scouting and other teams will as well. when we go to certain formations i can tel what were going to run and who is going to get it.
too much of the qb turning his back to the defense in this offense (it is not a passing offense)

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Re: (1-0) Licking Heights @ (1-0) Gallia Academy

Post by seoal83 »


Disagree with you but that is not new. I would not call the play calling suspect. For what their game plan was the play calling is exactly what i would of called. My thing is i disagreed with the game plan. They went in to the game basically wanting to play the game with a running clock on offense. in other words we were not going to pass on 1st or 2nd downs no matter what. We were only going to pass on 3rd down if it was 3rd and more then a manageable distance. Then we were going to throw the ball deep. Qb draw or little screen. then punt and play defense. For what the game plan was the play calling was perfect.

The problem is it was not the correct game plan. I think they should of opened it up a little more in the beginning got a score then went that conservative. When you play a bigger faster team you must keep them off balance a little to be successful. We played it straight up and got the results you would expect.

In the second half we pressed a little bit early then our hand was forced to throw and be predictable. Either way better team won tonight. Still do not believe game was that lopsided. if it wasn't for punt return you go to half down 7 points in a half of football that you had almost dominated. For the game i bet total yards and 1st downs are either about even or in gallias favor.

Defense played great just gave up a few big plays to very good athletes i did not think are size killed us on defense. our size killed us on offensive pass blocking.

If licking heights isn't the biggest fastest team we play this year i will be greatly surprised.

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Re: (1-0) Licking Heights @ (1-0) Gallia Academy

Post by GAHS83 »

I thought we could have run left more than we did. Our right side got manhandled at the line. Russell was getting positive yardage on most of his attempts over top of Williams and Shoemaker. When we DID throw the ball, they were blitzing us to death and Jarrell was holding the ball too long. Although not as accurate, I thought that Call did a much better job of getting rid of the ball and avoiding the rush. The ball has to come out early when they send that many defenders at the QB.

Defensively, I thought we did well up the middle. We played hard and tough on inside run plays. We were outmanned on the outside from an athletic standpoint and a handful of missed tackles or failure to break up passes where we were in position to make the play cost us the game.

I disagree that the game wasn't close. 5 or 6 plays were the difference in the game.

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Re: (1-0) Licking Heights @ (1-0) Gallia Academy

Post by buck&blue »

We moved the ball on the ground decent in the first qtr ,but did not show them any reason to fear our passing game. They started bringing more pressure up front to stop the run and pressure the QB and we could not make them pay for it. Instead of running slants, screens and draw plays to counteract all the pressure they were bringing , we kept running basically the same stuff. Finally late in the game we ran a few screens and they were successful. Offensive adjustments were too-little-too-late, coach Eddy needs to get an offensive coordinator with a new approach. This is one of the worst tackling GAHS teams I can remember, especially in space. I'm afraid the rest of the teams on our schedule are going to follow this same approach of bringing lots pressure up front , contain our running game, and dare us to throw the ball----I hope we are ready for this---

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Re: (1-0) Licking Heights @ (1-0) Gallia Academy

Post by seoal83 »

i may be over estimating Licking Heights team. But t didn't seem to me that they blitzed that much now they stunted a lot and brought different guys but a lot of time that pressure was put on by 4 rushers. Thus allowing them to drop back and cover with 7. I know other teams will see film but i don't think we will see another team be able to put that much pressure on by only rushing 4 guys.

I agree with not knowing why we did not run more short passing plays besides like i said the game plan was basically for us to do nothing to stop the clock when we had the ball to shorten the game. Right idea just a little to conservative. Should of gave the boys a chance.

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Re: (1-0) Licking Heights @ (1-0) Gallia Academy

Post by buck&blue »

seoal83 wrote:i may be over estimating Licking Heights team. But t didn't seem to me that they blitzed that much now they stunted a lot and brought different guys but a lot of time that pressure was put on by 4 rushers. Thus allowing them to drop back and cover with 7. I know other teams will see film but i don't think we will see another team be able to put that much pressure on by only rushing 4 guys.

I agree with not knowing why we did not run more short passing plays besides like i said the game plan was basically for us to do nothing to stop the clock when we had the ball to shorten the game. Right idea just a little to conservative. Should of gave the boys a chance.

It is probably true that they were able to get pressure without bringing extra guys much of the time , but when we did start calling screens they worked-- so either the lbs got sucked in or were blitzing anyway--

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Re: (1-0) Licking Heights @ (1-0) Gallia Academy

Post by superblue »

"coach Eddy needs to get an offensive coordinator with a new approach".....LOL.... Really..... This is our second cordinator in 4 years..... If you must blame people start at the top and work down... The head coach has to sign off on the game plan, at least I would think so.... Just wait a couple weeks until we hit the cupcake part of our schedule and things will be OK....LOL

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Re: (1-0) Licking Heights @ (1-0) Gallia Academy

Post by buck&blue »

[quote="superblue"]"coach Eddy needs to get an offensive coordinator with a new approach".....LOL.... Really..... This is our second cordinator in 4 years..... If you must blame people start at the top and work down... The head coach has to sign off on the game plan, at least I would think so.... Just wait a couple weeks until we hit the cupcake part of our schedule and things will be OK....LOL

I forgot we had a "new" coordinator--- LOL it sure didn't seem like it---

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Re: (1-0) Licking Heights @ (1-0) Gallia Academy

Post by dewdrinker »

Bevo wrote:
dewdrinker wrote:
seoal83 wrote:Licking heights scored all 13 of their points in the 4th quarter. last touchdown was with like 8 seconds left. Last year Watkins beat them by like 30 points. It is my understanding they have went back away from the spread this year and are running a lot more power formations. My understanding they had several penalties and turnovers in game. it is my understanding they were inside of Watkins 30 yard line 6 times in 1st 3 quarters and came away with zero points. it is my understanding that they have several 3rd year starters and are expecting big things.

I expect a much different game then last week. i would expect the pace of the game to be much slower. Their will not be as many possessions so each possession will become more important. This will be a test to see how gallia will handle a power team. I like the devils in a close game. sort of like last week. 24-21 or 21-17.

if they win this game this will become 2 quality wins to start the season and 2 wins that should give them a lot of computer points. A win here and the season is really off to a good start. to me there were 5 games that could go either way. you win the first 2 of them and then i think it opens you up for a shot at a very good year.

i think this may be one of the toughest 2 tests of the season.
After they saw us against athens they may put it back in. I think we responded well the second half tho. I hope we can stuff their running game from the start and I think we will respond better to the pass.
dew your showing your lack of football knowledge! teams don't change from week to week and the athens game meant nothing,i worry more about a slugfest and a low scoring game than a shootout, don't expect us to score big every week or against licking imho this game is going to be low scoring ball control type of game. toughest team wins

My comment was a joke !!! guess i should have added LOL after it so maybe you misunderstood me. And yes I believe if a team sees a weakness it should be given consideration as to how to attack it. For example, If i have a 6ft 5 wide out vs a 5ft 6 DB who cant defend. why the hell wouldnt you throw to the guy ??????? regardless of if im a power ground team most of the time. so i dont understand how that shows lack of football knowledge as you state.

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