A early Look at 2017 SEOAL

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A early Look at 2017 SEOAL

Post by noreply66 »


This is the last years for the SEOAL Meet. Down to three teams so this will be short and sweet

Third place will go to Jackson. The Iron ladies should place runners in four event if only 1st and 2nd count in the relays. I can see them winning the 100M, 200M and Long Jump. Jackson only lost around three to graduation but they collected a lot of points last year. With a 5-3-2-1 points system I see them getting less than 40 points

Jackson finished at the bottom with 30 points. A couple of good girls need help to get this program up with the other schools their size.

Logan and Warren will fight it out. If you are watching this meet it will look like Logan might be running away with this, but what most people will not see is the results of the field events. I can see the Warren girls double the points on Logan in these events unless Logan has something they haven't showed over the last couple year in youth depth for field events. Neither team can afford any DQs.This will come down to the 3200 and 4x400. If a late result comes in from a field event, this will fall into what team pulls it out. Both teams should place in every event. Logan should place first in more events but like I said the field event will equal that out for Warren.

All season the Warren girls were getting the best of the Lady Chiefs. Logan started out with a few surprises and took the lead and held it most of the meet. Logan came through in some of the field events to pull the championship out.

The Jackson boys look like they have some talent but it is their depth that hurt. Should score in around 12 events with getting first in three of them.

The Jackson Boys pulled things together to have a strong meet and finish ahead of Warren for 2nd

Warren will have a few talented freshmen that will make a difference right off and if I'm right a returning distant runner that didn't run much last season. Warren should pick up five first and several event will have two place. Field events will be down from last season. Look for Warren to shine in the 800, 1600 and 3200 where they will double up the points on Logan. Warren could have problems when it comes to the 300h, 400M, Shot Put and High jump. With the 5-3-2-1 system Warren should score in the area of 65 points.

Warren looked to be short handed during this meet scoring about 2/3 of what I thought they would.

Logan lost around 13 senior last year and a lot of talent. They do return two of the fastest 110H in Southeastern Ohio and maybe the fastest 300H. One of the top Shot putter and Discus thrower in the area. Logan could pick up first in half of the events. Looks like a lot of speed but will it fall into place. Logan will need to perform well in the last three events [Pole Vault, 3200 and 4x400] to keep their lead that they should have going into them. What will help Logan near the end is there will only be a four point difference between first and last.

Logan started out strong and didn't really need to look back. Injuries might have hurt the sprints. Main thing in this meet was depth..

Chiefs win both Girls and boys putting me at 5 and 3

GO LOGAN..The anti-Christ is among us
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Re: A early Look at 2017 SEOAL

Post by noreply66 »

predictions and how it came down

GO LOGAN..The anti-Christ is among us
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