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Valenths FINAL Conference Rankings for the 2016-2017 CFB Season

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:55 am
by Valenth
Sorry I was running a little late, but I had to put my numbers through the matrix and stat comparers to get them done... So instead of typing them out.. I did a simple Paint Document. Here is how the rankings came out.

Re: Valenths FINAL Conference Rankings for the 2016-2017 CFB Season

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:42 pm
by Omega
I know we scoff at the ACC as being not worthy of being considered elite, but for 2016, they have the national championship along with no weak sisters in conference play. The ACC expanded wisely instead of for money only and face it, they are in a more fertile recruiting area than most of the Midwest. I see no reason why Clemson and their brethren cannot keep it up going forward.

Re: Valenths FINAL Conference Rankings for the 2016-2017 CFB Season

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:26 pm
I can't disagree with that.